I’m using the Framework 13 AMD 7640U with Fedora. 1TB SSD and 16GB Ram.
Though my issue is more a hardware thing, not software.
So recently I noticed this.
The keyboard backlight is bleeding or spilling onto the very bottom of the bezel, there’s little dots, light coming in from the chassis. Right there near the display brightness keys, ironically.
You can’t really see it unless it’s in a dark environment, that’s why I never noticed until recently and it goes away when the keyboard backlight is off of course.
But now that I noticed it I can’t unsee it…
I’m wondering if anyone else has this? Is this just the way it is?
yep, I have this as well on my FW13. it gets out because there is an unused heatsink vent so light can get through. Non-upgradeable laptops usually don’t have extra unused vents so light doesn’t bleed because its blocked by a heatsink.
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Thanks for responding!
And I’m glad to hear I’m not alone then, that’s all I needed to hear . I was worried mine was damaged or something, but if it’s the way it is, then I’m cool with it, it doesn’t really bother me.
nope, there are protective grills behind that vent (which make the circular pattern) which should be able to be removed to install another heatsink there if framework so desires to design a board which requires it.
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Got it, makes sense yeah.
I was watching a video yesterday on the FW16 that said these laptops will never be a perfect, seamless unibody like others out there, that’s the price we pay for modularity, and I’m honestly perfectly fine with that, it’s worth it.
Thanks for clearing that up!
this is true. If ever you want to fix this though, you can simply tape over the unused exhaust on the inside and then there won’t be any backlight bleed.