FW16 Batch 10 Guild

This may be a bit delusional ahaha but I think our laptops are on that plane! They seem to be going back from Cologne to CDG before being forwarded, which matches with shipping logs that other people posted.


Noooo, dont fly away! :joy:
I live northeast from cologne, on the edge of that map

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The Fedex website clears this a bit:

Seeing eko’s post I’ll just add another picture:


That makes it maybe easier to guess if it could be a Fedex plane. :smiley:


Cologne is closer to me than CDG, so I hope my laptop is not on that plane :joy:.

If it is, it just passed a few kilometers away from me when it passed over Belgium.

Take a look to see if you find a parachute in your garden. :wink:

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My is out for delivery right now. Im in central us.

Got mine delivered this morning in central US.


Surprisingly, my laptop is out for delivery! Shipped yesterday, originally expected on Monday. That’s fast!

(Seattle, WA, USA)

Well just a heads up for anyone else waiting on their laptop. I got my shipping notification Thursday morning and that day saw it was going to need a signature. I logged into the FedEx site Thursday evening and signed for the package online. I checked first thing this morning and it still said the package was set to be delivered on the 22nd. Around 9:30 this morning I get two texts one for a different package and one for framework that I missed because they sent two side by side. At 10:30 they attempted delivery and didn’t leave the package even though I signed for it.

Props to Fedex for getting it delivered so fast but I wish I would have had more than an hour notice to know it was getting delivered today and to make arrangements. To everyone else keep a close eye on that tracking and enjoy the laptop! Looking forward to seeing the beast in person.

(Texas, USA)


Update: Aftership (as I expected) no longer says mine is going to come today. I wonder what it is that customs is holding it for

Belgium here, mine’s been ping-ponging between France & Germany today.
Expected delivery on Tuesday!
Extremely excited, will be the first time I’m going to try and daily drive Linux as well :grin:
What are you all going to be running as OS?

My laptop is gaining good progress so far, 12 hours ago I wasn’t sure yet if my shipment would make the weekend.

Probably gonna stick with Windows and ubuntu. I might experiment with few other linux distros but for now I think I won’t stick using the other linux distros.

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My laptop arrived! I still can’t believe how fast the shipping was.

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Happy you didn’t have to cancel your FW16 and it arrived in time!

I’m not that into Ubuntu, a bit bloated.
Gonna try to do Debian 12 stable on my end

Thank you! I am so excited it arrived in time!


Plane arch here

Same, it’s been a life-changer in terms of software availability and customization.

Does this mean they tried to send it to my billing address instead of my shipping address? Its in the city of my billing address but im about 100 miles away for college and had my apartment as my shipping address.