FW16 Batch 11 Guild

The email says have all info correct by April 19th so maybe we could be charged then but it will most likely we will be charged Monday or Tuesday next week.

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No, they’ve always been charging it third day after prepmail. I assume it’s tomorrow

I pray it is.

I guess they gonna charge it tomorrow, but ship it on Monday

Yeah probably.

Just looked at previous batches, u might be right actually. Anyway it’s not shipped before Monday

Do we get already preassembled laptop or we have to do it from 0?

Partly preassembled. Mainboard is, as is eGPU or expansion bay shell, but RAM, NVMe and the 6 small expansion cards on the sides have to be installed. As are keybord, trackpad and the spacer modules or numpad. I’d recommend viewing the install video. It is quite straightforward, but needs good lighting and being careful with the 16 small screws for the mid plate. They are captive, but easily damaged when applying too much force. They should all slot in and turn with almost no torque. If they don’t, back up until you hear a slight “click” and try again.
The screws for the NVMe are lose, so best work on a clean surface and avoid dropping them to the carpet :slight_smile:


Has someone been charged already? Im still waiting

I wouldn’t think so as the past 3 days (as in ~72 hours) have been weekends for either Taiwan or the US, and Framework doesn’t operate on weekends.

However, it’s soon (like 2.5 hours from now) going to be 9am on a Monday morning in Chicago so we’ll probably start seeing charges come in soon


Thanks for the insight! I’ll be (not very) patiently waiting

Does anybody know how long it takes to receive the Framework in Europe? Though I am still waiting to be charged (not so patiently).

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wondering the same thing

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Well, Batch 12 had their prep mail, maybe we will be charged tonight


:eyes: :eyes: :eyes: :eyes: :eyes: :eyes:


Just got charged! :grinning:


Just got charged as well!

I just got an: " Action Required: We are unable to process your order." mail. I paid with Ideal (dutch) the 100 euro’s. So now could pay the rest, again with Ideal. Laptop on the go!

Got charged too :slight_smile: