FW16 Batch 11 Guild

My finals happen to end the day after my laptop is supposed to arrive, so I’ll get plenty of playtime haha

Anyone else get there package delayed. :grimacing:

Yes. I never got an estimated delivery date either.

Yeah, just checked my tracking and the package is currently delayed (Hope it doesn’t affect shipping too much)

Not worried about it too much because it just says local delivery restrictions and not weather

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Looks like our laptops are all on the same truck right now haha


Batch buddies :rofl:


I actually don’t see any delays

I suspect that the aftershocks slowed traffic enough that they couldn’t get mine on a flight or something.

So I had the “local delivery restrictions” message, but my FW16 just arrived in Alaska.
Not much of a delay.

Getting closer…

Same here, although still no estimated delivery date, just:

We’ll add a delivery date as soon as your package starts moving.

I think it’s moving :slight_smile: Here’s what I think is the plane it is on:

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Bro I think our laptops are on the exact same flight.

Same here haha

You can count me in this plain as well (Super excited, can’t believe it’s almost here!)

Memphis bound plane landed at 1am ET. I’m kinda shocked how fast this shipping is working out to be.


Yeah already in the US in under 24 hours.

No more copium for me guys