FW16 Batch 20 Guild

sometimes it takes a while, please let me know if it’s not updated by monday!


It’s updated on my side at least, so I assume it should done for most people
To think that it’s just barely more than a couple weeks away, can’t wait !



(Insert yippe.mp3)

I’ve also been charged, I’ve seen many people in previous batches mention how strange it is to be so happy to see your bank balance decrease by a few thousand, but I honestly kind of get it now. I’m happy to be almost £2000 poorer as of an hour ago :smile:


Like @mbysamidk shows, my account order page also shows updated with $0.00 balance due :clap:

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lol it is kinda odd but its going to a good company so it is justified

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agreed. after getting AI crammed down our throat and all the monopolistic behavior of microsoft, the data exfiltration schemes across the tech sector where they’re trying to steal your intellectual property and monitor/learn from your behavior, the new HDMI spec not being linux supported (and intentionally close-sourcing it), Roku working on putting ads into the HDMI interface itself, the per-component price being ridiculous at Apple and other companies just to make repair more expensive than buying new…

Yeah, I’m completely done. Glad to be switching to an open platform. No more Microsoft for me, only repairable laptops and only moddable phones I can place custom ROMs on like Graphene.

Also +1 for the card charge


Got my “Charged” notification from my bank earlier today.

Looking forward to getting the shipping notification!


This is the one of the few companies on this planet that will get people excited over being charged thousands. It really shows how much everybody cares about the brand. Truly special


Well for me its my first Laptop with a bit of Performance. All my Laptops before had low End GPUs or iGPU and my last one was a Macbook Pro M1 always had a performant Desktop besides.
I am truly excited. I tried running my Legion Go as my Sole PC but the Bliss for Gaming wears off.
With an eGPU for Home Use and the dGPU/iGPU for Deployment and Travel it will be a great investment. (I hope :joy:)

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I was hesitant to pay thousands for a less performant laptop, but Microsoft shoving that Recall feature down our throat finally tipped the balance for me. Now I’m figuring out a way to game with linux on my (hopefully soon to arrive) FW16 laptop.

This is the first time I have been this excited for a laptop!


Yep money taken here too :slight_smile:

Linux Mint/Win 10 Duel Booters amongst you which is better when installing both fresh?

Windows first then Linux? or vice versa and Linux first then Win?

On this lappy I’m currently using was win 7, then putting Linux on I did bork my windows a few times and got it working again but did something and borked windows beyond rebootable repair it seems now, luckily drive was still accessible and anything important backed up etc so no big harm but to try avoid bricking new install want to know best practice for duel booting Win10 and Linux Mint.

Cheers :smiley:

not sure about mint specifically but in my experience (and as suggested by the arch wiki), it’s better to install windows before linux

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Win first linux second. Windows F*s up your Grub.


Thanks @notfire & @PSierra117 I’ll try make sure not to bork it this time :slight_smile: thanks for the link :slight_smile:

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Most Linux installers are aware of the windows installation and the process takes it into account, and automatically add it as an option to the GRUB menu.

The windows installer on the other hand seems hosile to any other OS co-existing, and you’d be doing some manual work to get a boot menu with both options.

If you are doing multiple windows installs, start with the oldest first (install win10, then win11, then linux). you’ll end up with the grub menu with linux and windows as options, and after you pick windows you’ll get another menu to select win10 or win11. You could even do two win11 installs on the same system (one for work/job, other for personal). But always do linux last.


Thanks :slight_smile: yea installing onto this old lappy had a bunch of issues getting them to duel boot, mainly my dumb errors.

Like first off setting new drive to GPT but of coarse win7 was MBR so yea that naffed me, had to format new drive and start again both being MBR and got grub duel boot menu working.

Worked fine for a while, then windows decided it would give error on boot (can’t remember what) but then boot anyway. Then windows said a big nope! I tried repair etc etc but nope win7 on here is now borked (can still access files etc so no biggie), but that’s why I was asking just in case my install order was to blame, I’m trying to do all my big mistakes on old lappy now, unfortunately I’m at that tech level to have just enough knowledge to be dangerous lol and just enough confidence to be really dumb :smiley:

Thanks again peeps for your help :slight_smile:

Are you sure you want Win7 or Win10 and Mint? 7 hasn’t been getting security updates for years, and 10 will stop getting free security updates next year. And none of 7, 10, or Mint have official Framework support.

Is Win11 privacy and other concerns really that terrible that you’ll give up security updates? And Ubuntu and Fedora so bad that you aren’t interested in official Framework support? Linux Mint causes issues for some people on FW16, and by adopting it you’re giving up some level of Framework support. They can’t possibly support every distro, and by supporting two they’re already making an amazing effort.

Stay with 11 instead of 10/7 it is the better OS for todays Hardware. Yes the Telemetry and CallHome is shit. But you can deactivate all of it.

I did. My router still reports outgoing DNS lookups for telemetry domains.

One thing for others to consider is Steam dropped Win10 support in January this year and it looks like other companies are slowly doing that as well. Not saying they won’t still work right now, but if you’re looking at downgrading from Windows 11, they could stop working eventually. Yet another terrible side-effect of always-online “apps” and closed-source models.

Proton is not so bad I’d switch to Windows here though. Games typically run better in my experience than stock Windows, save some that release brand new API features that aren’t yet supported. Even so, in the past I’ve contributed back code to a few builds of Proton to add them in the interim, so it isn’t all that hard to find something that works.