FW16 Batch 6 Guild

Check out this thread OcuLink Expansion Bay Module

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Its getting closer, keep watching the pther batches coming through, getting exciting

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@Bettsy lol
Don’t hold your breath too much my friend ! :blush:
At the pace it is running right now, I would say we’ll get our hands on our new toy around mid-April … More something like :

  1. End of march, first preparation mail
  2. First week of April, payment and shipment,
  3. First orders delivered starting the 10th~20th or even more if any shortage

Take your bets ! :sunglasses:

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Given the current pace, 1 batch per week, it could mean mid-March, which could be an awesome self birthday present (March 22nd) :grin:

I was kinda thinking mid March with the rate the batches are going, they seem to be picking up pace.
Sooner is always better obviously.
If its April, its April

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We’re not at one week a batch tho … :wink:
It’s more like 10 days per batch at best if no shortage IMO :roll_eyes:

Let’s put that to the test, today batch 3 started getting billed… let’s see when batch 4 gets going!

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Few people are sharing in the batch tracking post, gives an idea of what some of the time will be like once the emails arrive

It’s happened, Batch 4 are preparing!!

We might have our laptops in Q1 just about haha

I’ve bought my 96GB of RAM, I’ve got the 4TB SSD, and I’m just waiting to receive an email.

Mines sat in the basket ready to order… just waiting on that e-mail

The amazon price keeps bouncing between about $280 and $317, so I bought at the last low since the flow seems to be happening again.

Yeah thats unfortunately not going to work for me :frowning: i am living alone and will be on a 5 week business trip starting april where i hoped i could bring my new and only laptop with me…
As much as it pains me i maybe need to cancel my preorder last minute and buy something different.

I am really hoping they can increase the pace now…

Got my fingers crossed for you

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They were doing about a week a batch before they had to wait to finish up with orders that were waiting on parts, so we realistically could be delivering last week of this month, but who knows, and actually it was like 6 days between 2 and 3

Away this week wishing it arrived already, but its still got 3 weeks to ship and still be on time :crossed_fingers:
I’m reckoning we will get our prep emails next week

I’ve read on the forum that you can ask support to delay your order if needed. It might work for you as well if we’re getting close to april.

Next week? Batch 5 still hasnt gotten theirs, but i guess if they get theirs this week we could get ours next

Fingers crossed. takemymoney.jpg

I am fighting between dying with anticipation and trying not to get my hopes up for it too soon, but im really tired of using wsl for my linux needs, im glad wsl exists, but it also kinda sucks