FW16 Batch 9 Guild

No shipping yet for me, also in the UK

No shipping for me either, west coast US

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For those of us who got the shipping email this morning with a pickup at 4:47 pm and outgoing note at 4:56 pm, it may be possible that the flight will land in Anchorage in the next 20 minutes. This is based solely on the Batch 8 shipping.

I think you were correct, as mine just cleared customs in Anchorage

Here are the last several updates:
1:13 PM Arrived at FedEx hub ANCHORAGE, AK
2:01 PM International shipment release - Import ANCHORAGE, AK
4:19 PM Departed FedEx hub ANCHORAGE, AK

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Yep, mine is the same. Currently showing delivery Tuesday morning but I’m hoping that we get lucky and it arrives sooner like some others have.

We will see. Mine also says Tuesday morning.
4/16/24 before 12:00 PM Estimated between 8:10 AM - 12:10 PM

It probably depends where they split up the shipment and how close to there you are.

FedEx Express has 8 air hub locations within the US:
Anchorage, Oakland, Fort Worth, Memphis, Miami,
Indianapolis, Greensboro, and Newark.

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No shipping yet either, UK too.

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Expect UK shopping to be more like 5-6 days

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Saturday, 4/13/24 1:02 AM Arrived at FedEx hub MEMPHIS, TN

Since this is FedEx’s Superhub, I expect the shipment to be broken up here and go off to regional hubs.

Mine will probably go off to the Indianapolis hub and then by truck to Chicago.

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As long as it arrives by Friday I’m happy as I’ll still be on annual leave

Really needed it by today but we move.

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I guess I wasn’t lucky enough to be in the first wave of the USA shipping. At least the shipping seems pretty expedient. I live in the middle of nowhere so we will see how fast FedEx can move.

6:40 am Departed FedEx hub MEMPHIS, TN

This is where things should start heading to regional hubs.
We will see where the next scan takes place.


Not jealous of your shipping notifications at all… :joy:


Not to rub it in, but mine is less than 40 miles away from me right now… The anticipation is slowly killing me.


that is whereabout?

Lucky. Mine got routed through Oakland, then arrived in Memphis this afternoon at 13:12. I’m interested to see where it goes next.


5:27 pm At destination sort facility CHICAGO, IL

I’m in a Chicago suburb, so there is a chance it could get delivered on Monday but I’ve noticed that nothing seems to get processed at FedEx from Saturday evening through early Monday morning so we’ll see what happens.

Make sure you are looking at your individual tracking number and not the master tracking number.
For me the master tracking number shows the container weighing 2055.81 lbs going through Oakland and then arriving in Memphis at 1:12pm and still being there. While my individual tracking number shows the package weighing 11.6 lbs arriving in Memphis about 12 hours earlier at 1:02am and is currently in Chicago.