FW16 heat and fan control

I think they will end up adding an application to control the fans, frequencies and TDP. This is in line with our philosophy and there are many requests and complaints about it.

It is true that they should have added it from the beginning unless there is some impediment to not doing so and we are unaware of it

when i use framework laptop for 2 minutes its so hot that i have to run refrigerator to put my hands for few minutes in freezer so that burning effect is ended . am commenting from my MSI titan beast which is fully loaded 40+ GB memory is in use but it have no heating issue , while my FW16 sitting idle and its on fire thanks to framework Quality team who seems like did testing in Alaska and thanks to samsung for their garbage 990 pro ssd which is creating heat too , seems like i have to buy some old gen 3 ssd as these gen 4 drives heatup a lot seems like not meant at all for laptops in first place.

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Look at this guy buying top-teir components then complaining because they get hot.

You really need to contact support because that’s not normal, Windows 11 or not. If your fans are not working, that’s a defect. Stop complaining in here and contact support before your laptop cooks its self.

hmmm ok will contact them to see if they can help

This is normal, but not a hardware error. When the frame is in desktop mode, the fans do not turn on and that causes it to heat up. If it could be turned on even at the minimum speed, this would probably not happen and the noise would remain inaudible.

It must be taken into account that framewrok 16 is a very thin laptop, things that have not been said in many reviews.


I bought a laptop and it’s heating up. The hands are warm, I think up to about 35 degrees, i.e. it is not critical, but it is unpleasant for the hands. At the same time, it is very quiet, i.e. apparently the coolers do not turn on, is there a way to turn them on at a lower temperature? What are the parameters for turning on coolers, in principle, or what additional ways to cool the computer? Before that, all the laptops I used were cold.

The fan curves on the laptop has the fans not turn on until the CPU/APU temperature reaches around 47C. 40C is around where it will start to get pretty uncomfortable. Long term contact with it could be bad too. W/ Firefox open, I’m just below 40C:

$ sudo ectool temps all
--sensor name -------- temperature -------- ratio (fan_off and fan_max) --
ambient_f75303@4d     310 K (= 37 C)        N/A (fan_off=0 K, fan_max=0 K)
charger_f75303@4d     311 K (= 38 C)        N/A (fan_off=0 K, fan_max=0 K)
apu_f75303@4d         311 K (= 38 C)           0% (320 K and 335 K)
cpu@4c                309 K (= 36 C)           0% (338 K and 370 K)
gpu_amb_f75303@4d     273 K (= 0 C)        N/A (fan_off=0 K, fan_max=0 K)
gpu_vr_f75303@4d      273 K (= 0 C)           0% (323 K and 347 K)
gpu_vram_f75303@4d    273 K (= 0 C)        N/A (fan_off=0 K, fan_max=0 K)
gpu_amdr23m@40        273 K (= 0 C)           0% (323 K and 353 K)

lines 3 and 4 show apu and cpu temp need to reach 320k and 338k (47C and 65C) respectively, but I’m at 38C on both, so the fans are completely off. I’m not sure what kind of filtering/strategy is used, but the averaging might prevent it from turning up the fans quickly enough to compensate for the high temperatures.

I used ectool to adjust the fan curves. To adjust the fancurves, I used

$ sudo ectool thermalget
sensor  warn  high  halt   fan_off fan_max   name
  0      363   363    378      0       0     ambient_f75303@4d
  1      363   363    378      0       0     charger_f75303@4d
  2      363   363    378    300     320     apu_f75303@4d
  3      381   381    400    300     330     cpu@4c
  4        0     0      0      0       0     gpu_amb_f75303@4d
  5      344     0      0    323     347     gpu_vr_f75303@4d
  6        0     0      0      0       0     gpu_vram_f75303@4d
  7        0     0      0    323     353     gpu_amdr23m@40
(all temps in degrees Kelvin)

to get the current settings.

Here you can see I’ve already modified the off/max temps for the apu/cpu (0% and 100% for the fans) but here’s the command to modify that:

$ sudo ectool thermalset 2 363 363 378 300 320

In this case, I left the warn, high, and halt parameters the same and adjusted the turn on temp and max fan temp. This is essentially a linear fan curve, so my fans turn on at 300K (27C on the APU) and are at 100% by 320K (47C). They probably don’t need to be set that aggressively but you get the idea. Similar for the CPU I have it set to turn up more aggressively - off at 27C and 100% at 57C.

The benefit of this over fw-fanctrl is that it doesn’t need to constantly run in the background. The downside is that without setting up a script to set it on startup, it will get reset on reboot. It also only offers two points for the fan curve rather than many points to smooth it out or get more aggressive at higher load compared to at low load.

This doesn’t fix any issues that affect the actual power draw, but can help get the temperatures into a more reasonable or comfortable range. I wrote a script that uses the above command to set my APU and CPU temperature points when starting up the laptop

Temps after:

$ sudo ectool temps all
--sensor name -------- temperature -------- ratio (fan_off and fan_max) --
ambient_f75303@4d     307 K (= 34 C)        N/A (fan_off=0 K, fan_max=0 K)
charger_f75303@4d     306 K (= 33 C)        N/A (fan_off=0 K, fan_max=0 K)
apu_f75303@4d         308 K (= 35 C)          40% (300 K and 320 K)
cpu@4c                305 K (= 32 C)          16% (300 K and 330 K)
gpu_amb_f75303@4d     273 K (= 0 C)        N/A (fan_off=0 K, fan_max=0 K)
gpu_vr_f75303@4d      273 K (= 0 C)           0% (323 K and 347 K)
gpu_vram_f75303@4d    273 K (= 0 C)        N/A (fan_off=0 K, fan_max=0 K)
gpu_amdr23m@40        273 K (= 0 C)           0% (323 K and 353 K)

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Good news guys the fan ctrl open source project have added windows support currently not merged but you guys can test too , i tested on windows 11 and its working great

try this one : GitHub - leopoldhub/fw-fanctrl at dev-windows


And is there any project to control fans and tdp on windows and linux?

What is the framework waiting for to release a program that allows you to control them when there are many users requesting it?

Thanks for the warning!!

I have a problem. I start the program as an administrator and type:

“This is dangerous and I know what I’m doing”

But nothing happens

There is some work in progress for more control on EC from linux-kernel…

this one works for linux and windows both : GitHub - leopoldhub/fw-fanctrl at dev-windows

for linux it was working earlier but windows support was missing now its added too . and Framework have closed eyes on it they are not making one

hmmmm your windows version . i tested on windows 11 fresh new setup and its working OK .

try to open cmd as administrator
then do cd to fw-ctl directory and then type install.bat and then copy warning line and paste it and enter

Sorry, but it’s unfortunate, the program lacks a user-friendly graphical interface.

Every day I regret having opted for this company, it is disappointing. This work should be done by the framework team.

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You have to give the average user an accessible program. And this is not it.

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All people are not all the same. I find non-graphical, terminal only interfaces to be much more user-friendly.


Soooooooooooo right, and until this happens, Linux for ‘everyday users’ will always lag badly behind Windows and Mac!

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I don’t have to give anyone anything. If you want a graphical interface for such a control, you are free to bring that feedback up to the Framework team. I am just another user on these forums and owner of a Framework laptop. If you find the current state to be unacceptable and this to be beyond your level of skill, you are more than welcome to return it or kindly request assistance. On the other hand, you have no right to demand other users in the community to work on your behalf - that includes me AND the creators of the tools here.

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What is being asked is to allow third-party programs such as msi afterburner to work in the framework as they can work on Asus, xmg, Dell…

And I agree with other users that the framework team should provide its own program to be able to handle these dome aspects, for example, companies like xmg do.

Furthermore, most of the reviews criticize the sound of the fans, the lack of specific software…

But it would be as easy as allowing third-party applications to work in the framework to control tdp or fan speed.

This does not mean additional work for anyone.

And there are also many users who have requested it, not just me.

However, in my opinion framework will not do anything.

This interface that allows you to control the speed of the fan or the TDP is not something that should be done by the community but by the framework team itself, as the rest of the brands do.

It’s okay, this is their business, it is something in high demand but they are within their rights to do what they want.

In any case, this debate makes little sense.

This will probably never happen and users who want these options or who bought the laptop thinking that these would be implemented should be aware that they have to go in the direction of other brands.

In any case, recognize that the framework has created a good work of engineering although it is strange that the user was listened to more in several aspects.

Why not? ectool is out there, open source and works on both windows and linux. The only thing missing is a graphical UI to interface with it. One skilled user with the need for it should be able to program this UI with relatively small effort. I’m not the one, as I’m no longer using Windows on my private machines and I’m quite happy using the command line. It should also be possible to include a call to ectool in the startup scripts, which has to be done exactly once. No UI needed ever after.

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