FW16 heat and fan control

To be honest, using the PPD (power-profiles-daemon) under Ubuntu works pretty nicely for my FW16. Since I installed it, no problems with heat or fans (Installed it from the beginning with the hwe kernels.

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It is expected that this laptop gets warm during heavy use. However, if it gets excessively hot, there might be an issue with your unit, and you should contact the support team.


After reading most of the comments in this post I decided to run a quick test with what I had on hand.

It looks like the bottom cover of the laptop gets up to 45.3 C.

I have a feeling that it won’t feel nice after more than 20 minutes.


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I am having same issue. GPU is between 88-91°C under heavy load, it seems like this would be damaging to the parts. Should I reach out to FW support or does everyone’s laptop get this hot?

A temperature of 90°C under heavy load is fine and expected. At that point the GPU is throttling down to sustain its temperature while still achieving maximum performance.


Mine will peak at ~100c when something runs that demands max CPU (like Windows services at startup or a webpage in Chrome that is 90% video ads) but it is not sustained and doesn’t last long. It’s actually cooler when gaming! :slight_smile:

Sweatty for sure.

I was using it on my lap not long ago and right under the cpu it was really hot. I ended up putting my legs on the sides to not risk burning myself.
tbh I’m not really shocked considering it’s made of metal.

why not Framework team release some utility to control fan speed and temperature . mine of is some sort of nuclear power plant , hard to use it keyboard temp also high burning finger tips and do not talk about laptop bottom .

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In case you are interested, some users tested 100 W chargers. The tdp is automatically reduced, as well as the heat and noise of the fans.

One made a video, the Witcher 3 with a lower tdp user could play at 2k and 60 fps, the equipment being much quieter, with better temperatures and less heating.

I also don’t understand why the framework doesn’t release software that would largely solve this problem.


ya you right but my laptop is in asia have to spend more money on charger plus long route to get me .

ya i searched through forum people from 2021 framework 13 guys have heating issues and asking for fan curve control app , but they not listening , not sure also not listening to custom and providing them basic control over their laptop fans mean they are not sincere with this framework agenda which was all along that users would have control over hardware and software no hidden secrets , atleast they can release API for their chipset control so that other fan control apps dudes can make their fan control apps compatible with framework too.

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That’s already released.

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link please , so that can check it out ,

you lucky that your fans are even running mean while am on windows 11 , in idle conditon laptop is so hot its more like nuclear plant hard to use and fans are dead as F , they are sleeping and on top of this framework since 2021 still not able to release tiny utility with which cpu fan can be controlled to lower cpu temperature. Seems like wasted thousands of dollars , laptops is not usable cant work on it , keyboard hot , finger tips burn and laptop bottom also very hot so burn legs too. seems like need of DIY Air conditioner project for FW16 lol .

This write-up may be somewhat more helpful.

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I think they will end up adding an application to control the fans, frequencies and TDP. This is in line with our philosophy and there are many requests and complaints about it.

It is true that they should have added it from the beginning unless there is some impediment to not doing so and we are unaware of it

when i use framework laptop for 2 minutes its so hot that i have to run refrigerator to put my hands for few minutes in freezer so that burning effect is ended . am commenting from my MSI titan beast which is fully loaded 40+ GB memory is in use but it have no heating issue , while my FW16 sitting idle and its on fire thanks to framework Quality team who seems like did testing in Alaska and thanks to samsung for their garbage 990 pro ssd which is creating heat too , seems like i have to buy some old gen 3 ssd as these gen 4 drives heatup a lot seems like not meant at all for laptops in first place.

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Look at this guy buying top-teir components then complaining because they get hot.

You really need to contact support because that’s not normal, Windows 11 or not. If your fans are not working, that’s a defect. Stop complaining in here and contact support before your laptop cooks its self.

hmmm ok will contact them to see if they can help

This is normal, but not a hardware error. When the frame is in desktop mode, the fans do not turn on and that causes it to heat up. If it could be turned on even at the minimum speed, this would probably not happen and the noise would remain inaudible.

It must be taken into account that framewrok 16 is a very thin laptop, things that have not been said in many reviews.