Graphics driver error while playing games

While playing Space Engineers, I keep getting this error despite having all the settings as low as I can set them. I also got this error while playing Subnautica, but nowhere near as often.

GPU usage wasn’t even that bad, only about 80%. CPU was around 40%. I couldn’t figure out how to find my GPU temp, but it didn’t feel as hot as it sometimes gets, so I don’t think that’s actually the problem.

Try updating the Graphics drivers, if it still happens then download Software which can check the CPU/GPU temperature. Intel has a hard limit of 100°C. Intel may throttle the GPU enough to cause a crash at high temperatures, though I’m not entirely sure.

I tried to update the drivers, but it said they were already up to date. Also, I checked the temps and they were around 40 - 50 c. Not really all that bad. I can’t really think of anything else that could be going on though.

Neither can I. This is a strange issue.

I can’t get it right now, but will the games crash log help any? I don’t know enough about computers to really understand what the thing was saying.
I can try to run the game again tomorrow.

you can scroll through it to spot some clues about why the errors might be occuring. (e.g. unable to allocate memory, invalid driver response, etc.)
I have a feeling that you are running out of RAM.

2021-12-03 15:26:00.282 - Thread: 28 → Exception occurred: System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.
at SharpDX.Direct3D11.DeviceContext.ClearState()
at VRage.Render11.RenderContext.Internal.MyRenderContextState.Clear()
at VRage.Render11.RenderContext.MyRenderContext.ClearState()
at VRage.Render11.Render.MyRenderScheduler.Done()
at VRageRender.MyRender11.DrawGameScene(IRtvBindable renderTarget, IBorrowedRtvTexture& debugAmbientOcclusion)
at VRageRender.MyRender11.DrawScene()
at VRageRender.MyRender11.FullDraw(Boolean draw)
at VRageRender.MyRender11.Draw(Boolean draw)
at VRageRender.ExternalApp.MyRenderThread.Draw()
at VRageRender.ExternalApp.MyRenderThread.RenderFrame(Boolean async)
at VRageRender.ExternalApp.MyRenderThread.RenderCallback(Boolean async)
at VRageRender.ExternalApp.MyRenderThread.RenderThreadStart(Object param)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart(Object obj)
2021-12-03 15:26:00.283 - Thread: 28 → Showing message
2021-12-03 15:26:01.838 - Thread: 28 →
================================== CRASH INFO ==================================
AppVersion: 01_199_025
GameName: Space Engineers
IsOutOfMemory: False
IsGPU: False
IsNative: False
IsTask: False
IsExperimental: True
ProcessRunTime: 658
PCUCount: 1665
IsHang: False
GCMemory: 1372
GCMemoryAllocated: 1372
HWAvailableMemory: 7123
ProcessPrivateMemory: 5080
AnalyticId: SE
================================== OFNI HSARC ==================================
2021-12-03 15:26:01.839 - Thread: 28 → Log Closed

This is the game log, or at least the crash part of it. Going by what it says, I don’t think I ran out of RAM.

Try downloading the FrameWork driver and firmware package and installing that again. I ran into some weird issues with my GPU (granted I am also running an eGPU) and don’t know why but reinstalling the package fixed it for me. It might be one of the other drivers in the package or just overwriting the Intel graphics driver that fixed it. I know you said you already did the GPU driver but can’t hurt to give this a shot.

System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory.
This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.

This is called “Segmentation Fault”.
However, in the briefing the game deny the fact that IsOutOfMemory: False.
HOWEVER, the game also says IsExperimental: True.

Because with integrated graphics, there is no dedicated video memory (or there is a very small pool), and launching and running graphics intensive games can cause the memory to indeed go overboard (as both the game and the graphics will both be eating away at the RAM), and when you approach the limit the likelihood for errors to occur increases.

Huh, I really thought that would work. I tried downloading the FrameWork drivers and installing them, then tried to run the game again. Same crash as before.

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i believe framework just got those drivers from Intel.
And you are running Windows 10 too. This is interesting.
Again, make sure your RAM is not reaching, say, 75% Or 60%.
Because again, as I said earlier, there is no dedicated video memory for integrated graphics, and therefore you need to make sure you have enough RAM leftover.

I have a similar issue with running GTA V on an 8GB system. The RAM will hit 80% or 90% and then either the game or Windows will crash (depend on whether graphics or the process is trying to allocate memory that is currently in use). I am able to do the first mission (the bank one), but the second one involves driving around (and perhaps map loading) I could not get to the end because things keep crashing

Max RAM usage was 65%, which might be the problem? 65% doesn’t seem that high to me.

Edit: I also ran a full virus scan using Microsoft Defender, nothing found. So that’s either not a problem at all, or a really BIG problem.

I agree that 65% don’t seem that high either.

Usually these sorts of problem have nothing to do with malware.

How about you report this problem on Keenswh’s site?