A few years down the some of us may have upgraded enough parts that we could use the old parts to build a full laptop. Cases could be offered to house these and be used as hand me downs of sort for kids/printers, ect to avoid e-waste. The best part is it can then be upgraded as need till eventually a third case could be built or the parts themselves actually become obsolete. By then hopefully we’ll be able to recycle
Agreed! That’s going to be one of the best parts about this machine!
I love this idea! What if Framework could develop a “buy back” program where they give you a modest amount for the part, free shipping, and refurbish the parts to be offered online in a pre-owned/loved section of the Framework market place? It would be really cool if they could track, at some basic level, every part they ever sell and try to close the waste loop completely.
And once it’s truly antiquated have a recycling program of some sort!