High Battery Drain During Suspend (Windows edition)

@RandomUser Had the same idea last night and pulled out my Storage (250gb) and USB-A module out (I already leave my HDMI un attached) This morning only lost 5% over the entire night. Pulling out my 1 USB-C and seeing what it does today

Davy_Bell, do you mean that in the morning you lifted the lid and were greeted with the login screen, or did you have to push the power button and start up the machine. If the later, your machine hibernated at 5% battery loss, as it is designed.

The issue being that whether your computer is in standby for an hour or 12 you will loose 5% battery and need to resume from hibernation. (which thankfully is super quick)

I do, and I think it does matter with regard to power drains.

@RandomUser I would expect higher drain with usb-A cards or HDMI as they will enable a few additional subsystems of the laptop whenever they are plugged in and the laptop is on or in suspend. If a usb-c card is attached and no device is plugged into it, the port and associated subsystems will be powered off.


@RandomUser we would need to revisit the power draw from all subsystems and see if there are additional improvements we can implement in firmware. I don’t have enough data yet to determine if that is possible.


fwiw i tried this once and didn’t notice any improvement.

Well, I suppose that makes sense, BUT the issue with network connected is that the intention is to be able to receive updates on anything designed for it and actively polling for things. So while you didn’t see too massive of an improvement with it off, if you had gotten some kind of network activity that triggered activity in sleep while it was still on, your results would have been further impacted.

Personally, I see NO reason for my device to maintain an internet connection while it is supposed to be sleeping. Especially not a wireless one.

I understand it only slept for 4ish hours before flipping into Hibernate. Just sharing some results. I tried again with no cards and had the same results as just USB-C installed.

All my results have been with Network disconnected (I gpedited this on the first day, I dont need email while its asleep :stuck_out_tongue: )

I did do an entire sleep analysis with WPA. If you really want to dive into Modern Standby on Windows, you can go deeper with Windows Performance Analyzer: Get Windows Performance Analyzer - Microsoft Store?

Here is a good article on diving into sleep issues (Using Windows Performance Analyzer to analyze Modern Standby issues | Microsoft Docs)

I still have not tracked down what is the Unknown item, I havent had time to go into the generated data though (I think 15 mins of sleep was 300mb)

*I do have 64GB of ram so I know my numbers wont ever be as good as others per the testing done in another thread.

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This is rather worrying. My laptop hasn’t shipped yet, but I’m concerned about spending $1800 on a laptop with power issues.

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I have had my Framework for going on 4 weeks now, and nothing highlighted on this forum has made me ever think about not buying it. I am looking forward to being able to buy another for my better half.

The issues on windows with standby time are being aggressively worked on, AND S0 already has a temp solution using hibernation as part of its function. You loose no more than 5% battery each time you let it sleep. Period.

If you hibernate first you loose none. Period.

It would appear that the problem is software based in nature and so there will be improvements.

On Linux the situation appears to be a little better, but setting up hibernation is a bit of a chore, etc.

I love this laptop. So much that I’m seriously considering selling my workstation.


I was fortunate enough to get a bonus from work that allowed me to buy an eGPU enclosure and I can safely say that yes this will probably be both my portable system and my “workstation”.


Respectfully, “just hibernate” is not a solution to the issue in this thread. A big selling point for S0/Modern Standby is low drain and instant wake. Having <0.5%/hr drain aka double-digit hours before 5% drain during standby is my expectation.

To stay on topic, even if the ~400mW drain from the USB-A/HDMI cards is resolved, that still places it at ~1%/hr drain. @Kieran_Levin I understand characterizing power usage in such a complex system is difficult–if there’s anything we can do to get the data you need, (are WPA traces helpful?) let us know.

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On the hardware side I am planning on doing power measurements on the various subsystems by instrumenting the hardware as a second pass to see where we could save additional power.
One helpful item that might be possible to look into via software is why no hardware drips in C10 to see if we can root cause C10 residency.
I would suspect some on chip device or peripheral is keeping the system awake or interrupting the system too often.

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@RandomUser interesting, maybe. Do you have cortana enabled?

I agree. I reworded what I said to make that more clear.

I’m simply saying that even with the problem you have a fully functional laptop.

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Solid advice I would suggest to anyone on Windows.

Tools like Windows10debloater are awesome for removing some of the ‘fluff’ that comes prepackaged with the OS.

That being said, what’s your experience removing Cortana? I haven’t done so on my FW yet. I always understood that to break Windows Search functions due to it being baked so deep into the OS now…

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I haven’t experienced any search related issues after removing it. (I have removed it on 5 different PCs without issue so far.) Just remember that enterprise builds don’t have Cortana at all, and windows functions great for them.

Something interesting I noticed, right after I closed the lid the fans ramped up and they didn’t stop for a while… I don’t know if any of you have experienced that

Using the updated beta drivers I’m seeing the above, and the culprit is the SST driver.

I am getting barely 50 minutes on average of standby time before the 5% threshold has been met, with the SST driver being the culprit 100% of the time.

Any ideas or suggestions on how to improve this a bit? I saw someone else was getting 2.5 hours, which I would happily welcome at this point.