How long does it take for support?

My battery has swollen up, my Framework 13 13th gen is less than a year old. I sent a request to support with pictures as proof yesterday, I have not heard back, I sent another request today with pictures. I need a warranty replacement.

How long is appropriate? I was able to remove the battery so I am not afraid of a fire anymore, but my laptop is not a laptop as it can’t leave an outlet.



I sent it yesterday from US Central time, around noon. I sent the second one today around noon, it is now approaching 4pm. I received an automated reply for each but no indication that a human has seen either.

@anon81945988 do you work for FrameWork? Do you know what is going on with their lack of response? I am not on a weird time zone, I am contacting them in the middle of the work day, and email is the only path they provide for support, so responsiveness is key.

I will be happy not to send another request when one of them gets some attention.

You should not make excuses for the company. I bought an expensive laptop with a warranty and a promise of support.

I love the idea of this company, but they need to live up to it.

Of course I have searched. I have seen people who missed emails, etc. That is not my case.

My case was splitting open.

the battery is significantly swollen, it is less than a year old, I used USB power. This is a pretty straight forward warranty situation:

I am trying to flag someone, anyone, at Framework to handle what should be a 5 minute issue.

Hi David,

Sorry to see what happened to your computer. Our support team usually replies within one business day, though sometimes it takes a bit longer. Sending multiple tickets or replies does not expedite the process. The support team should reply soon, and we appreciate your patience.

@anon81945988, I appreciate the help, but not everyone is experienced in navigating the forums. It looks like David has just joined our community and is concerned about a swollen battery. I understand expecting more tenured members to use the search functions more effectively, but we can be more forgiving to new folks. If I were a customer with an issue and this was the first reply I received from the community forums, I would be very upset. Please be more understanding towards the new folks. Thanks for your help as always.


I didn’t need to search the forums to know that a Lithium ion battery swollen like that is a fire hazard and I shouldn’t use it.

I saw that message, I read all the way through it. The way that issue got cleared up is that the guy had to go onto the forums here and make some noise, because:

There was an agent miss in communication as we could have provided better messaging which I’m going address as @AnonymousBovine absolutely provided images in their first conversation

Incidentally, it is the same way I have gotten a response, they have contacted me and agree that that bloated battery is bloated, and my warranty is valid.

It is discouraging that this was what is necessary to get a human response. I hope Framework will do better.

This was not necessary to get a response from the support.

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