How to activate caps lock on Framework 13 AMD?

I want to turn on caps lock on my keyboard. I have tried everything imaginable, but nothing makes it happen. I have searched online and here with no discussion to answer this question. Please help.

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Welcome to the forum.

So your CapsLock key doesn’t work? And I believe there is an indicator on the key, that doesn’t illuminate?

When did you get your laptop? I see you tagged this as ubuntu, which version do you have?

You could try running xev or wev in terminal to see if the CapsLock key is being seen. I think ubuntu would be wev, since it uses wayland. You just type or copy-and-paste the following in a terminal & press enter

wev | grep 'sym'

Then you try any key & it will show what is being seen for the keypress.

Thanks. When I tried to run wev, I was told it needed to be installed. So I installed it and then when I ran the command you offered I got a checkerboard pattern across my screen. This didn’t answer my issue, obviously.

If this is a new Framework laptop and pretty much all you have done is install a supported version of Ubuntu, then I would suggest that the most likely explanation is that you have a hardware fault in your keyboard and should start a support ticket.

If you just run “wev” without any grep it will do the following:

  1. Display a checkerboard
  2. In the terminal window output information about each key press.
  3. Switching to a different windows and back again, then allows you to exit with CTRL-C.

“sudo showkey” also does similar, but without the checkerboard.

Thank you, James. I discovered that because I am using the Omakub customization of Ubuntu, the caps lock key has been remapped.

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Thank you, Brian. I discovered that because I am using the Omakub customization of Ubuntu, the caps lock key has been remapped.

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