I need to change my login email

I need to change the login email. For some reason I am unable to receive the support email to my gmail account. I get the regular emails but anything from support disappears into the ether. I have had this issue since I opened my account with framework. Typically I usually windup using a different email to communicate with support. I have no issues logging into my account but rather than opening a separate account and losing my order history and username I’d like to just try changing the login email.

Hey there Seym56, this is not something we can help you here, please reach out to our support team directly if you need to change your email address. I see that you don’t see support team’s responses in your email, I’m sure you’ve already done it but please make sure to check the spam inbox and other folders (sometimes some email providers put some emails in different folders and do not show them in the primary inbox) and check if you have accidentally flagged or blocked any emails from support in the past.