Intermittent display blanking with Thunderbolt-connected monitor

I have a Framework Laptop 13 running Windows 11, connected via Thunderbolt to an LG ultrawide monitor (40WP95-C). Every so often (maybe every 10-15 minutes), my LG monitor will go black, and all of the USB devices connected through the monitor will disconnect. A couple seconds later, the display will come back alive and the devices will reconnect.

I thought it was originally an Intel graphics-related issue, but even when I upgraded my original 11th gen mainboard to the Ryzen mainboard, the exact same issue persists. A couple different Apple Silicon MacBook Pros connected to the monitor don’t have this issue.

I’ve tried connecting a higher-wattage (100W) power source to the Framework laptop in parallel to the monitor (96W), in case this is a Power Delivery issue, but power still seems to be coming from the monitor, based on the charge LED on the Framework.

Has anyone successfully resolved an issue like this? It seems like similar finicky issues with Thunderbolt are pretty common. Thanks!

Interesting, do you have the same issue for any of the expansion ports and/or cards ?

I haven’t noticed this issue with any of the expansion ports—but then again, besides charging, I don’t use the other ports for anything where I would notice something like this.