Is the support ticket system working? Got the wrong laptop shipped


I accidentally ordered the old intel framework 13 laptop. I immediately put in a support ticket to modify it to the AMD version, but a few days later I got an email saying the new one was shipped. Is the customer support system with framework working/is the 30-day return guarantee still available or will I have to ship this one back???

Hey Dean, I understand that you ordered Framework Laptop 13 - Intel edition but you wanted the AMD one. It’s not really possible to make such changes from our end, even before the product is shipped (which happens quite fast).

If you don’t want to keep the Intel Laptop, please reply to the customer support ticket (I see that support has not replied back to you but you received an automated response) and tell them you wish to return the laptop. They can share the next steps with you and once you receive the laptop, you can follow the return process.

Let me know if you have any questions.


As said. Things move quickly, so yes to both i.e. AND not OR :frowning:

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