Join us for the Framework Next Level Event on March 23rd

HAHAHA we definetly are!
It’s more, at least in my case, having some fun hyping things up!

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@Shiroudan Fair enough, not that I’m complaining, I love me some good speculation and hype! :slight_smile:

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I just realized, the bezel in the new screen in that tweet is tiny compared to the current one. That seems like a good sign.


@Shiroudan @FaultedBeing @Anachron
So some observations:

  1. That keyboard cover looks glossy, not uh… whatever it is right now…
  2. Yeah the INSYDE Bios screen on the side screen…
    3.I do notice in the photo in the bottom right corner the hinge cover is on the table…
    4.I can’t tell whether this is in fact a 11th gen or possibly an AMD they’re teasing…
    5.There’s something under that second screen, I can’t tell if it’s screws or what…

Just to start…


@Banana Good catch!

Pretty sure the screen that’s on is only the panel, doesn’t include the bezel of the laptop. Looks about the same as the current one.


@Nich_Trimble I thought so too, but the top of that thing is larger than just the panel of the current screen. On the other hand it seems to be missing cameras so, idk.

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If you compare to the screen posted here HDMI controller board for display panel - #15 by nrp and in the market place (and your own bezel if you have a FW) the side and top bezel does look slightly wider to me.

Edit: They look the same when you consider the area without pixels is not very visible with a dark image plus I think it’s a bigger announcement than “we have a new screen” and “oops we leaked it early”

I hope the engineers of the framework read this.
How about preparing the motherboards for a future second life.
Framework could already provide some mounting holes to mount a desktop CPU fan or even a better water cooling for better cooling and a bios option for overclocking.

It would be a cheap mod in terms of production costs, but a great advantage over all other laptop manufacturers.

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Just to note that basically any form of overclocking is impossible due to hardware limitations that intel has placed on their chips! I like the rest of your idea though, would probably be good for this thread instead though; What should we build next? - General Topics - Framework Community

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The string that’s visible, GFW30, relates to the 11th gen board. Also the RAM is DDR4, so if it was that, it would be at best a Barcelo.

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@ParticleCannon I’ll trust you on that, I can’t zoom in enough on my end to keep it legible enough to see, but if that’s what others have found then I’ll trust you on that… and fair enough if that’s the case, I can’t imagine that the team would be foolish enough to leave enough evidence to spoil the event… Although I wonder if they’re doing a drop-in mainboard replacement as part of it??? Hmm…

Looks like a Fridge is confirmed.


Looks like a repairable consumer friendly time travel machine to me


It’s a desk… top…


24 hours…


Well done

(not a confirmation of anything, simply applauding the quality Dad joke)


Thanks, now I don’t need to convert the time to CET :sweat_smile:

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This is all very exciting. My best guess is that it’s a printer.

I don’t see them doing a desktop, since desktops are already upgradeable and repairable.