Have you found something perfect for protecting your screens? Mine is a bit dirty of some dust from the keyboard.
I do not want any plastic stuck to my screen. I prefer a thin fabric layer, as it used to come with new laptops. It is sad that everything is made for MacBooks.
Do you think something like this will serve my purpose? Screen Protection Liner
In addition, how do you clean your screens?
Thank you in advance.
I have heard that rubbing a sheet of paper on mirrors is a great way to help clean them.
While im not sure how good or bad this is for your computer screen, I tried it and it seems to be decent enough (with a little patience) at removing a couple years of weird grossness from my FW13 screen touching my keyboard.
So in this case your screen protector can also be your screen cleaner, even if you go the cheapskate route and use a sheet of paper
I would think any media that the police can pull fingerprints from would be possible media to stay away from. I was thinking of times I had laid buttery crackers or sweets on some print outs or letters and the butter or sugar transfers to the paper. I found at least one forensic site stated fingerprints have been recovered from paper after 40 years. Paper may be fine if you change it out occassionally. I prefer a microfiber cloth for a little extra absorbtion and cushion between the screen and keyboard. It also doubles as a screen or keyboard cleaner as well.
“For example, there have been cases in which fingerprints have been developed on porous surfaces (paper) 40 years after their deposition.”
It was actually not off topic at all. We were talking about Green to keyboard protectors to keep the oil off the keys from getting all over the keyboard once it’s closed. Someone had mentioned using simply a sheet of paper. My concern was that paper can hold oil too and it’s so thin it really can absorb much before I would assume it would start passing it on to other things it touches after a short amount of time. So I was trying to say that microfiber cloth or something a little bit thicker and more absorbent would be better to prevent fingerprint transfers over period of time from the keyboard to the screen and it offers a little bit of a cushion using a cloth to help protect the screen if it gets hit while it’s closed. At least some thoughts I had about single sheets of paper vs more cloth like options.
Of course it could be a little further out there than I had intended. But I was just trying to give another perspective and was thinking anything cops can pull fingerprints off of us by definition be media that holds fingerprint oil.
Anyhoo… I’m enjoying all the topics and replies. Keep it up!
My FW16 arrived with a protective piece of paper/material round it. I just use that between keyboard and screen to protect the screen from marks.
This is mainly to prevent the sharpish edge of the mouse pad plate where it touches the keyboard from creating a line on the display. It spreads the load slightly.