Latencies with Kali Linux on VirtualBox

Hi there,

I have a framework 13 13th generation 32 GB RAM, 1 Tb SSD.

I have a dual boot windows 11 / ubuntu and on ubuntu i have virtual box with kali.

Kali is fluent with the terminale etc but when i want to use firefox latencies are appearing. For example with youtube the video is not fluent at all : picture by picture

I have exactly the same configuration than the configuration below from the official kali linux website :

Secure boot is disabled, VT is enabled in the bios. I really dont know what can i do…

Someone can kindly help me?

Thanks a lot,


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No one ?

Pumping up a post isn’t exactly useful or attractive. :slight_smile:
Maybe you could detail anything you have done since your original post.

Any change at all ??

All the best.

have you tried different virtualisation software? qemu runs better than virtualbox on linux. you can use virt-manager to have a gui for it.

the reason youtube is lagging in the vm could be because of issues with the emulated graphics card (e.g. no codec support). try going to about:support in firefox in the vm and looking for codec support and hardware acceleration related items.

Hi there,

Thanks for your reply.

I tried to install Kali linux VM on VMWare Workstation Pro 17 on my Windows 11 pro but i have exactly the same problem. I deactivated the Hyper V and tried all these possibilities :

Noted it is exactly the same result on my Ubuntu/Virtual Box and Windows11Pro/VMWare Workstation Pro → Video and sound are horrible and full of latencies

Is there a specific requirement to use Youtube in the VM? Why not just view videos on the host machine?

Also, in the virtualbox VM, what graphics mode is used? VBoxVGA, VMSVGA, or VboxSVGA?

From my research, VBoxVGA only supports OpenGL 1.1, VMSVGA supports up to OpenGL 2.1 (VboxSVGA is one of those but im not sure which)

Edit: source is display - What are differences between VBoxVGA, VMSVGA and VBoxSVGA in VirtualBox? - Super User

Firefox cannot provide hardware acceleration with just OpenGL 2.1 (I have actual physical hardware that supports OpenGL 2.1 at maximum, and I can confirm that YouTube will max out the two cores which that machine has). VLC will be able to play stuff back (although i havent extensively tested it). Maybe put the YouTube video URL into VLC as a network source in the Kali VM if you really need to (assuming VLC still supports YouTube) - that might yield better results.

Edit 2: the physical hardware in question is a Thinkpad X200

HI there,

Thanks for your reply.

It is usefull to watch some tutorials or walkthroughs when i am working in my VM yes.

Second, I tried all the possibilities in VirtualBox so for now i am focusing on VMWare Workstation Pro 17 ONLY. But to be honest it is weird because i have the same comportment between Virtual Box and VMWare while they are not installed on the same OS

Note : I have 32 Gb and i7 13th generation

Hi There,

After installing Kali Linux VM on VirtualBox and tried 100 possibilities to watch for example a simple video on youtube throw my VM on VirtualBox it’s impossible sound/image latencies are horrible !

So i decided to install VMWare Workstation pro 17 on my Windows 11 PRO. Same result… I tried all these advices :

Please Framework team help me to find a solution… I really start to be armless…


you know you can have applications open on the host and also have the vm running, right?

i dont think its an issue specific to the framework laptop

i think its more of a “no virtual machine software supports this” issue

Yes for sure

I have a VM at work which can support this and perfectly

ok i stand corrected then

unfortunately i wouldnt really know what else to try

Thanks sir if you have any idea feel free…

it might be possible that your vm at work is configured to pass a gpu from the host system through to the vm (which would provide it with the needed graphical capabilities)

this doesnt really work on the framework 13 because it doesnt have an extra gpu that you would be able to passthrough


I allocated 16 GB of RAM and it is much better BUT the song is more than horrible like a robot. Any idea ?