Left expansion slots do not work

Hello Community!
Since a few days my left expansion slot side does not work anymore! no matter which cards I insert, I get no connection.
The only thing that works is the USB-C charge, but data is not transferred.
Can you help me?

Typ: AMD Ryzen 7 7840U w/ Radeon 780M Graphics 3.30 GHz

Can you open it up and look for weird looking solder joints? I don’t know where the USB controller is, but it’s probably a little black IC next to the two internal USB ports.

None of these tricks worked!

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I would try the standard dance of the following:

  1. Cold Boot - shut the machine down, unplug it, let it sit for two minutes, plug it back in, and boot
  2. Reset BIOS to defaults
  3. Reset main board

If none of those works. then the next step would be to open a ticket with Support. Best of luck, and have a great day!

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My dance for when I accidentally cause a port to stop working is to remove all four expansion cards, shut down, leave it for a minute, and power back on with the expansion cards still removed. Otherwise I second contacting support.

The most common reason I need to do this is accidentally shoving a USB-C cable into a USB-A or HDMI port, shorting untold pins in the process and probably tripping current protection.

This sort of problem can be caused by a bug in the EC. The EC controls power to USB ports. So the trick is to reset the EC.
There are a number of ways to do this, but I just switch the laptop off overnight and it comes back in the morning with the EC reset. That is switch off, not standby.
There are other methods to reset the EC, but the above works for me.
The laptop needs to be switched off for a while before the EC resets. So a quick power off, power on does not reset it.
The method I use to find out if the EC is reset is looking at the timestamps from the “ectool console” command.

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I have done some further testing.
After you power off the FW16 Laptop, and the power button LED goes off. The EC powers off 40 seconds later. So, one only needs to wait some period more than 40 seconds to force an EC reset.
The EC only resets if the above is done without a PSU connected to the laptop.

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