Linux Distro Survey - Framework Laptop 16

I started using debian 12 on FW16, but switched to Manjaro a time ago. And are very happy with this switch. Manjaro is very stable, up to date, and FrameWork friendly. Even a Manjaro FrameWork splash screen.
Gnome as desktop. Loving it.
Linux FW16 6.9.5-1-MANJARO

Was a PopOS user (even owned a System76 Galago Pro GALP5), and loved it. However, they are seeming to stray away from the pure “stock” Gnome so I ended up on Fedora and now loving that. So it was a very pleasant surprise to see Framework officially support Fedora.

Been using Fedora since version 34 (well, at least mid-cycle, since 35 came out not too long after).

Yes. It is all linked to RedHat and I essentially used CentOS in the past :wink: Reason I mentioned that instead of Fedora

I clicked KDE plasma in the survey because the distro I use all the time is KDE Neon, which runs the Plasma desktop. I have it set up for the HWE kernel, which means right now I’m running vmlinuz-6.5.0-44-generic.

I also have two other distros that I dip into now and then:

  • Linux Mint, also HWE, and running the vmlinuz-6.5.0-41-generic kernel.

  • KaOS, a rolling distro that also runs Plasma. I can’t check the kernel version at the moment , because I’m not running it right now and its kernel does not include the version number in its filename. However, there’s a new update available today which will include a 6.9.9 kernel.

Using LMDE and loving it.

Other. Decided to go with Nitrux, definitely not a beginner distro but all the hardware I have tried has worked perfectly the first time and it’s setup for gaming out of the box

I would like to get QubesOS running, but haven’t had time to get around to it. I know other people have Qubes up and running on the Framework 16 laptops.

Ubuntu Studio, which runs the -lowlatency Kernerl and KDE.

Void Linux please :slight_smile:

Took the opportunity to try out Fedora + KDE and loving it! I come from Manjaro which I also really like, but the forums are surprisingly hostile which makes me not want to be a part of that environment. It’s nice to try new things though. Can’t wait to try something new on my desktop once Windows 10 dies!

Fedora 40, CTWM as the window manager.

Changed from Arch Linux to Gentoo

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I haven’t been on here for awhile, but here is my setup:

FW 16, Ryzen 7840 HSm 64 GB ram, 2 TB drive.
Linux Mint Edge.
I got this May 1st, installed Mint Edge, found a config for the fingerprint reader in the Mint forums online, did that and it works fine. Didn’t think I would like the fingerprint reader, but I love it.
Have not upgraded to Mint 22 yet. Just to busy and don’t have time.
I really am not having any problems with Mint. But I do not do gaming; it is all data, internet, video, and some cloud work. For me it is a multi-function business machine, and it works well.
I do get some slowdown issues in Firefox when I have too many tabs open. Got 274 right now and should get it down to 100 or so, but can’t seem to get there…too many projects at the same time :slight_smile:
Not sure what else to say, but Mint works great for me, and I have no reason to change. I have a lot of customization to Mint (applets…) and Firefox and other software as well, all carried over from Mint on an old HP laptop, and also before that from Windows.
I imported all my software settings, copied a lot of user files over the local network, and was going pretty quickly.
I literally use the FW all day long, every day of the week. It was the right choice.
The older HP laptops (2) both had keyboards go bad. A pain to replace, and limited in RAM.
I can replace the keyboard on the FW16 literally in less than a minute while it is running.

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I’ve been using Gentoo since the mid-2000’s. I’m glad to see when others venture over to it!

I don’t run it on my Framework, though, just on my home server.

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In the past I’ve dual booted, but now I’m very happy to use a VM for any Windows I require for work.

My distro considerations were:
-Framework support
-Solid out of box experience
-Proper support for fractional display scaling because 150% is best on FW16.
-Friendly enough desktop environment for Windows users in my family.

So I ended up on Kubuntu. Don’t love KDE but it’s fine.

Other: Gentoo

Other: CachyOS (technically Arch-Based)

Used to be Tumbleweed but Packman pissed me off for the final time

I’m currently running KDE flavored Ubuntu, Kubuntu 24.04. it’s working great with everything I’ve thrown at it so far, freeCAD, Blender, KiCAD, Steam Proton. The only issue I’ve found is that I can’t open steam with the dgpu.

Is it trying to load the UI and immediately disappearing? Been fighting that for a while. I had to disable Settings-Interface-Enable GPU accelerated rendering in web views.

Or running Steam from Konsole would get around the issue. Doesn’t seem to be Kubuntu specific, had the same issue in KDE flavors of Manjaro and in Cinnamon/Mint.

This also isn’t Framework specific as my desktop with a 7900XTX has the same issue on a fresh install. Seems more likely AMD with Mesa and Plasma problem.

I will check Mint in a virtual machine. Not really a fan of this Gnome “reduced functionality” on the Desktop.

Regards, Martin