Linux: rtkit spamming syslog (on Mint on a F-13-AMD)

I can’t seem to find a way of tagging this as ‘Linux’ (aside from in the title itself).

My system log gets a new entry every couple of seconds from rtkit saying (mostly) ‘Failed to look up client’.

Here is some detail of what I have tried and what I might try.

Various places on the Internet suggest lowering the log-level of the service (in one way or another) but that does not work for me (whether I lower the log-level to ‘warning’ or ‘error’; and I did restart the service).

Admittedly, this discussion advises installing ‘realtime-privileges’ but I can’t find (on Mint) the package for that.

This page, which treats rtkit spamming with a message slightly different to the one I’m beset by, says that one should do sudo rtkitctl -k after making modifications. So doing did not help with my problem. That same page does impart how to divert rtkit’s messages from the syslog - but only to another log. I might try that as an interim measure.

Some pages say that one might be alright uninstalling rtkit. I might try that.

Some pages says that the program pipewire is involved in creating the problem; and Mint does allow one to go back to puseaudio (which is the program that pipewire replaces).

  • Mint 22 Cinnamon
  • F-13 AMD Ryzen 5