Liquid metal TIM?!

Not true.

Look here:

And here :

It has great longevity compared to thermal paste, but you will probably want to replace after 1-3 Years, depending on Workload.

Liquid metal: It depends on if you use nickel surface or copper. For copper its said to replace after 1 year without scratching away the liquid metal.

And for nickel plated: I did not found ANY source for longterm (minimum 3 Years). Do you have one ?

Yeah, PC enthusiasts from actual PC enthusiasts website forums, not some crummy site called reddit. As I have said, I’ll let users make their own judgements by trying both themselves.

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It doesn’t matter on which website sth is posted. It matters only, how it was tested.


(post deleted by author)

Low blow chap! Uncalled for! :anguished:


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Efforts are underway to have posts edited. Warnings have been issued.

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It’s a serious issue and has been shown and reported;

Quite a few different types of metals will exchange electrons with liquid metal. It depends on the metals used in the TIM too, but aluminum it will just RUIN. Nickle-plated surfaces, like IHS of modern days, get this corrosion on them that does interfere a bit with cooling but it can be removed. Some are copper, others have other materials and the way they react to the IHS or the cooler will differ. I imagine Frameworks will not have this problem… so long as they are aware this is a thing, and to avoid aluminum with TIM. Which it WILL be destroyed by, like, no questions, TIM and aluminum do NOT work.

As for your reddit posts… I’m sorry but these tests run contrary to all the comprehensive tests we’ve seen from industry experts Gn, DerBauer etc. Pumpout is the main issue of TIM for the 2-3 year drop in performance. It can be faster if the pressure is too much and/or heat changes are too rapid or if the materials of the IHS and cooler are expanding and contracting at very different rates, pumpout will lose some of the TIM each time.

Epoxy/Resin/Urethanes are amazingly durable. They do suffer from some pumpout but it is very minimal in comparison.

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Yeah, i saw gamernexus videos about that already. But as i said: No one ever tested the loss of cooling perfomance, after the second apply after minimum 2-3 years (otherwise im highly interested, if you find sth).

The rest is not more than hypothesis. Also ehat Gamernexus says is hypothesis. They did not test it after the second reapply after 2 years or so.

And about reddit: Where did i post a reddit-link, which shows, that liquid metal looses perfomance on nickel to nickel surfaces ? I didnt. And about copper: It was all about before reapplying the second time. So as the “professional” showed.

And about ptm 9750: Did any of the “professionals” test this for 1-2 years ? I did not find any video about it.

So im not sure what reddit posts you actually reffer to.

Because in your quotet post i had only 2 reddit-posts and they were reffering to ptm 7950. So were are these long-term test of these “professional” testers?

Why the worry or concern? Sorting out the paste or whatever on a Framework laptop is a simple 10 minute job.

You can change the past every day if anyone is that concerned about it. As long as temps are in spec after 6 months…a year…no problem. If they arent…change it. :smiley:

You said the tests from this reddit-user are not showing the same, as the usual tester like derBauer, Gamernexus and so on. So were are these tests now? Otherwise this reddit-post is exactly what it is: It shows, how long it will last.

Dont say it is not true, if you can’t bring facts, which dissprove it. So please link these tests about ptm 7950.

And about nickel: I wrote 3 years. Your linked tests are not testing for 3 years or more. So what are you even talking about.

I asked for tests with 3 years or more, you come with a test, which has not tested for 3 years and then you are explaining me basics about copper and aluminium… :smiley: I asked for tests with 3 year or more running time…

And then I linked a test about ptm 7950 and you say it’s not correct. Then i ask for these tests and your answer is basically: “you can change it fast”.

Ehmmm… Why do you claim sth as wrong, when you actually dont bring facts??

You should read better, what others write before you claim sth as wrong. And for sure you should be able to link tests, which are prooving your claims and for sure it has to be the same scenario (same number of years or even more)…

Hey there! While I can appreciate calling Reddit a crummy site, you haven’t shown a single source throughout this entire thread, if you could grace us some that would be great and contribute to a more evidence based discussion.


Oh well, if you re-apply you’re back at square one and it’s fine lol. It’ll last years until the pump-out happens again, it’s the same as when eventually Epoxy/Resin/Urethanes lose their performance. Once you re-apply, you’re good to go and there’s no issue anymore.

So it’s not really important to test them again? You just, apply once you start getting worse performance and it’s good to go again. That’s the nature of pumpout for TIM or any interface once it begins to degrade.

If you are comfortable applying TIM, if you ensure the system is powered down and remove the battery etc etc… yeah it’s not the biggest deal to replace it every few years or 2.

I even dont know why you answer, when you have actually no sources.

You claimed, my reddit-sources are wrong.

Till now you did not deliver any of your youtube-sources which should disproove this reddit-posts.

Saying “you can replace it” has just nothing to do with the topic.

Please stop talking, if you can not deliver facts, when claiming sth is wrong. You are just distracting, because you noticed, your claims are actually false and you have no sources.

Since this thread seems to be unable to remain civil, I’ll be closing it shortly. Thank you.