Liquid metal TIM?!

The honeywell excels at low contact pressure. In these scenarios it conquers just about all TIM’s on the market. I know plenty who have used it on laptops and GPU’s and the results are super positive. Obviously it would be silly to use one on a desktop CPU where heat sinks such as Noctua’s and what not work many times better with conventional pastes.

Also, for many people who seem fixated on conductivity values on the back of packets, then there is no standard measurement across the industry, the most meaningless stat there is. GC-Extreme is literally 1c behind KPX and TG extreme for example.

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lol yeah this is true, you need to start doing conversion formula and such to get the metrics into a chart but in general any brand name intermediate compound is going to be good for any application, liquid metal is the best in terms of the top end stuff but some cheap liquids are on par with the better silicone compounds out there which trend much cheaper and safer.

The pads are fine of course, and yeah in low pressure they won’t be damaged in the same way as desktop coolers as you said for sure. I shoudl have stated that the pads are fine, but they never outperform Liquid or Epoxy/Silicone/Urethane/Acrylic compounds. But good pads are going to be fine in general.

Just a lot of people, Linus especially, give people the false perception they are infinitely reusable which is just not the case especially with a heatsink reefing down and crushing down these, they wear out pretty quickly if you are removing and replacing them or moving them from system to system. Seen them even flake apart after about 10-ish uses. Still, for most consumers they’ll move them once in awhile at most, and they don’t suffer from pumpout… so in a way, they are better than Liquid Metal, they last much longer.

I’ll always default and use Silicone pastes though.

Sure, I was not suggesting pads are better than top quality pastes/LM in all situations, just in some scenarios they may be better.

I only listen to gamer nexus, Linus, Jay, Hardware Unboxed and whoever else just pander to fan bases for clicks.

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… yeeaaaaah… UFD is pretty good and fair too, TechYes, not bad either. Gamers Nexus has garnered a lot good will over the years and is absolutely one of the most reliable and untainted tech news sources. There are some smaller techers out there too who are up and coming. Everyone has some form of bias, heck even GN have a weird MSI hate boner for their pretty mild infraction asking if GN could delay a story haha.

I like UFD quite a bit actually. Though they don’t do much inhouse benching, they do test some stuff and they were the first one to try an external GPU solution for the steam deck since their lead man is obsessed with handheld gaming haha.

I’ll give my Framework 2 years and I’ll probably end up putting Prolima on it, or Arctic if I am lazy… I have a decade+ worth of arctic laying around. Heck, could even think about a Honeywell pad tbh, some other companies have been getting into the scene too. I’m just not a fan of liquid metal to be frank. Even though I take down systems pretty often I just am not the biggest fan of the whole pumpout issue and the theoretical instance pumpout MIGHT lead to a short. Rare, but has happened in history time to time, usually due to over application from factory on GPUs.

There are several tests which shows, that these pads are same as good as liquid metal in laptops.

So if you claim sth, link some tests for these pads vs liquid metal on laptops. I saw minimum 5 tests which shows, that they have same cooling perfomance like liquid metal on laptops.

Desktop isn’t the topic here btw. But it is important to use PTM7950 only on direct-die scenarios, otherwise it will not work properly. Because it’s melting-poinz is 45°. If you have no direct-die contact, temperatures will not be as good, because the surface of the heatspreader is not that hot like on a direct-die scenario.

So but still: pls link several test, where liquid metal is worse on laptops. Because you can easily find 3-5 test on youtube, where ptm 7950 is same as good as liquid metal on laptops.

The debate is going a bit OTT now, LM and PTM-7950 are both great products. Use whatever you feel gives best performance folks.

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Hey I was using Kryonaut paste on my Framework and it was “okay” at best. Did two applications to make sure the application was good. Same results both times.

Switched to PTM7950…got a 14 degree drop!

Then tried it on my Dell Latitude 7480 that also had Kryonaut…10 degree drop!

I wouldnt bother with liquid metal as an option. Just not worth the hassle.

Are you all aware that the FW16 comes with liquid metal from the factory?

Yup, that is what started this discussion. We are discussing the possible benefits/downsides in light of the fact that Framework will be using it.


Kryonaut dries and falls aparts at 80c, says so in the spec sheet. It is called “Kryo” for a reason and it is not supposed to be used outside of sub-zero cooling. I have always been surprised by users advocacy for it in normal PC’s, it does not last for the reasons stated.

I think you need to re-read that spec sheet.

Plus nowhere on Thermal Grizzly’s marketing does it say its not for desktop PCs and only for “sub zero cooling” What are you supposed to use it for? Super conductors?

I think you’ve got it all the wrong way round maybe?

"LONG ACTION - Provides long-lasting effect, thanks to its characteristic and specialized structure, Kryonaut does not dry out even at 80 ° Celsius degrees. "

Looks pretty desktopy to me. :thinking: :smiley:

Its the best “paste” I’ve used, it’s just PTM7950 is much better.


My research on many PC forums suggests it does. Allegedly the original creator said so himself back in the day. Although, it is called KRYO for a reason, it was made for overclockers chasing records. I myself have found the stuff average at best and works great for like a year or two and need changing, it is not great in regards to pump-out either.

" Kryonaut uses a special structure, which halts the drying out process at temperatures of up to 80° Celsius."

Well I guess Thermal Grizzly has got it all wrong then…

If people find it great, cool
If people find it is not, cool
Plenty of TIM’s out there, prefer PK-3 myself or JunPus.

Oh indeed. I’ve moved on from pastes anyway for my own kit.

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There’s plenty of room to argue about the merits of different TIMs, but this statement is wildly inaccurate.


I think you’re mixing up a carbon based thermal pad, such as Carbonaut or IC Graphite, with the PTM ‘pad’. They’re very different materials. The carbon based pads are indeed reusable, however don’t perform as well as even general thermal paste.
PTM 7950 is more like a thermal paste that comes in a ‘pad’ form, similar to what you find on RAM or power components in a laptop/gpu cooler. At room temperature, the PTM is more or less solid, however above around 60* it phase changes to full liquid paste. The LTT video covers this, when they try heating the pad before mounting, you can see it physically change to a liquid form.
This makes it non-reusable after a burn in, since the pad form will have melted onto the die/heatsink, and resolidify based on mounting pressure/deformaties specific to the die/heatsink it’s mounted to.

I’ve tested my Asus Proart Studiobook, which came factory applied with LM. Between the PTM and the LM (I used Conductonaut for repasting the LM), I actually preferr the PTM. Thermally, it performs just as well if not better than the best thermal pastes, my temps were basically a within few degrees, indistinguishable from the original LM and my re-applications of Conductonaut. The major reason I decided to stick with the PTM was actually surface temperatures of the laptop. Using LM, the heat transfer was actually too good, and the laptop chassis was being transferred enough heat to become uncomfortable to handle. Using PTM, the temps were a tiny bit worse, but the laptop itself was actually cooler to touch.

It’ll be interesting to see how this affects the Framework 16, as so much of the chassis and interface components are modular, making them actually separate from the motherboard/thermal design, compared to a normal laptop. In this case, using the LM may actually cause less thermal stress on the parts you touch, simply because they’re not integrated into the chassis normally.

Hm? No, I absolutely mean the “physical sheet” pads. And they definitely rapidly degrade and become damaged overtime… otherwise, why would I be saying apply them between multiple machines? Or flaking? etc?

Especially in high-pressure applications they get damaged pretty quickly. Graphite pads get pretty worn out with enough uses, but most people will not swap them around enough so it doesn’t matter much. I’ve never tried PTM pads though, I haven’t really looked into them too much actually. I can imagine that a physical change material like that could work pretty good.

I’ll have to look into them more, I just… have so much paste enough to last me like 5+ years of monthly+ amount of changes even haha.

It’s really only called a “pad” because it’s hard at “room” temp and is sold in sheets (or rolls) of material sandwiched between two sheets of plastic. It can actually be purchased in paste form as well, in tubes. PTM7950 is sold in sheets and is often called a thermal “pad” because of the form factor it comes in, but it’s nothing like the silicone thermal pads that you’ll often see used on NVMe drives, VRMs, etc. PTM7950 SP doesn’t fully solidify and is sold in tubes.

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Very cool, I am super curious about this now! Gotta do some reading.