LTE Cat 4 Cell Modem Card

Yeah, pays to word queries so the meaning can’t be misinterpreted.

Is he already? I can find some threads talking about making one, but nothing concrete or one being made. I’m not entirely sure how to navigate towards finding the product you describe, but am looking for it. If you wouldn’t mind pointing me in the right direction, I’d appreciate it.

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This thread is the place. There’s an e-shop link ^^^ and a link to the cellular technology provider’s website so you can assess which bands will be accessible in your jurisdiction ^^^^.

Just search back for Josh_Cook.


Josh Cook only makes a LTE card, which is roughly the same as 4G. There is no 5G expansion card anywhere from what I know. It probably also would be super expensive, the 4G card alone costs 160 AUD ($105 USD) plus potential taxes.

I would 100% buy this!

link is somewhere up there

Is T-Mobile also in the offing?

still waiting

Same here been trying to contact @Josh_Cook for the past 4 weeks pinging him weekly but to no avail.

Pretty much I think we got rug pulled and I am just waiting for the moment that we hit the hard floor…

I got an email 6 days ago from him. Just life things.


Hi Samuel,

Sorry for such a long time between the last update, I have some good news, I have finally received the prototypes (I have had them for the past 2 weeks, but other products had higher priority), and I will now begin testing and validation. I have placed the order for all of the production level components, so once I have completed validation and testing (should take around 15-20 days) the production should take around 2 weeks (these boards need custom fixtures which take a week to make). I should have boards in hand in 6 weeks. Do keep in mind that I am working on multiple Framework products/projects along with school, so I don’t have a whole lot of time. As always, if you would like a refund, let me know and I’ll process it ASAP. I will send some photos of the units once I have completed validation.




If you want faster updates, send an email directly to me, as I don’t check FW community often, and I’ve had close to no time available this past month.

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As long as you’re on track, that’s fine to me, my order wasn’t urgent

Although I personally have seen too many of those hardware side-projects lag and/or never totally finish.
I have the feeling those always represents more time and work than initially accounted for, and even if they end up successfully achieved, they leave the project initiator drained and not fully recouping costs.

I personally was surprised by the low price of those modules, and would (again personally) not mind supporting the project a bit more if it can help (given for example you have to spend hours doing custom fixtures and testing).

I could of course be totally wrong and maybe none of the above applies, just that as a repair-savy nerdy person I’ve seen myself underestimate hours of work needed by projects way to often. I’m now much more careful when I offer a price estimate on something, and don’t hesitate charging for a premium to account for margins which I often end up eating up anyways, and would wish others did the same.
Thus this post.

So please reach out if an extra contribution can help :wink:

(I hope you won’t take this as an offense, I think I’m quite clear that it’s just my point of view from my experience)

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I’m fine financially, but thank you for the offer.

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:sweat: waiting…

Waiting on certifications right now.


This is cool yes but why limit to only 2 us carriers. There are alot of people outside of the us.

like UL/FCC certifications?!?

Are you still accepting orders? Or do you prefer we wait until certification is sorted out and the product finalized?

Very eager about this product.

Buy it when you want.