Matte screen: bad angles?

I had a chance to take a closer look at my friend’s screen. As you guys suggested, these lines are visible on his panel as well, though not quite as noticeable as on my unit. I still found them to be a little bit distracting, while he isn’t bothered by them at all.

The bottom line: Most people seem to be fine with this Moire-like pattern and won’t mind it, but on some panels, these lines are more pronounced than on others and potentially bothersome. So if you are really sensitive, you might consider the glossy screen. :slight_smile:

I know exactly what you mean because my AMD version has the same. Extremly difficult to discripe, it reminds me a bit like the matt screen protector on a smartphone. Like the display of the framework reflects itself internally. Did you mention it to the support?

I did not. As @TheTwistgibber suggested that he does not think it would warrant a replacement without better imagery and as I saw the same lines on my friend’s screen, I didn’t really see the point.

Ultimately, Framework should consider switching to an aperiodic (e.g. random) matte pattern. This would eliminate any Moire.