My corsair headset is glitching on this Laptop

So I have the new Framework 16 laptop, running Windows 11.
Since getting the laptop, I’ve had many issues with trying to use the headset. About 15% of the time it will work perfectly. I started out by plugging it into one of my left USB ports, and it would cause my windows to freeze/glitch/buffer as soon as the headset’s usb was plugged it. I later moved to using the ports on the right side and it was working fine for a while, but now I’m encounering the same issues again. I’ll plug in the headset (Be talking on Discord, it’ll work for several minutes, then it’ll stop picking up my voice, so when I try to adjust settings to find out why, all windows start to glitch, Discord wont connect to calls, videos buffer infinitely, browser loads infinitely, etc. And even after unplugging the headset these issue will persist until I restart. What is the problem??? Is it something to do with laptop configuration? Gltichy ports? Is it the headset? The USB stick for the headset?

Hey, I’m in the same boat, but with a SteelSeries Arctis Pro Wireless. Randomly discord stops picking up mic audio and in event viewer i can see that the Windows Audio service crashes. For me it only happens when playing League of Legends, weirdly. Also I can use the onboard mic and speaker if I unplug my headset, but as soon as I plug it back in, stuff breaks again. I’ve tried with both slot 5 and 6 with the USB-C expansion card and a short C-to-C cable, both slots cause issues.

I’ve moved some stuff around and going to try with the headset connected to slot 1, which is USB-4, unlike slots 5 and 6, and will report back.

Oh hey! Glad im not the only one having this issue. I could tell you more about mine. Slots 5 and 6 seemed to cause me the most trouble as well. I’ve returned to using slot 3, which works some of the time. I’ve learned a few things:

  • Upon restart, the headset is almost guaranteed to work, at least for a while, and only if im careful about it.
  • Eventually, it WILL stop working, usually the mic goes first, then the hearing if I unplug it and re-plug it in.
  • Re-plugging it in at this point will cause freezing/crashing/buffering on all programs until I unplug it and wait about 30 seconds, then the laptop hits me with all audio from those 30 frozen seconds.
  • It will no longer work until the laptop is restarted.

Looking forward to anything more you learn!

I have narrowed it down a bit more myself too but can confirm all your bullet points. For me it ONLY happens when I play league, and it does NOT happen if I connect the headset over bluetooth instead of usb-c. And also if I stop playing league and give it 30-60 minutes to recover, it will start working on usb-c again without needing a restart of the laptop. However for me it hasn’t improved regardless of which port I use - they all show the issue eventually.

It also continues to happen if I use the laptop’s built-in mic or speaker but have the headset connected - i.e. whether or not the device is actively in use has no effect.

At this point I’m kind of thinking it’s more of a windows bug interacting with specific programs and hardware than a framework-specific thing, but that may or may not be correct.

I see, my instances seem to be a bit different. I havent had any issues tied to league (Outside of laptop lag after-match but thats always been a thing with league).
I’ve only been using my headset wirelessly using its USB-A stick.
And when the issue triggers, as mentioned I’ll unplug the stick and wait 30 seconds, then the laptop’s built-in mic and speakers work fine.
I was thinking its a Framework issue, considering the difference in ports on my end. Also since there wasnt much issue on my previous laptop. The only other possibility I can think of would be with Windows 11? My previous laptop was still Windows 10, so maybe switching to Windows 11 with Framework could be the issue.

I use this same headset on my desktop PC which is running Windows 11 and there’s no issues there. The other thing I did consider might be related is discord’s in-game overlay? I have it off on my desktop but it was on by default on the framework - I have since turned it off but haven’t yet tried to reproduce the issue since then.

I dont think the Discord game overlay is relevant since most of my troubles have happened without running any games. Though our issues arent identical since we have different headphones and have run into issues in different situations, so it could be whats causing issues for you, idk about mine though.

I feel like it has something to do with the laptop’s ability to recognize newly plugged in audio devices, since during times that mines been acting up, it doesnt show up in the discord options or my Devices in settings. Really hard to say though, I might go to support on this, just really dont want to have to ship the laptop out or anything.