Not powering on after crash

I was attempting to install fedora linux, I selected test this media and boot from the grub menu. My computer powered down and will not power back up

That sounds pretty strange.

If you can get to your BIOS screen, you can try telling it to disconnect your battery. With the battery disconnected, hold down the power button. That should drain all power from the motherboard, which should clear out any transient glitches. Then power it on and see if that solved the problem.

If you can’t get to the BIOS, or that doesn’t work – I’ve heard one person say it does, but I haven’t been able to test it myself yet, still waiting for my Batch 17 device to be delivered – and you’re comfortable messing with the hardware: open the machine up and (carefully!) physically disconnect the battery. Then hold the power button as above, before (again, carefully!) reconnecting the battery and attempting to boot it again.

I suspect that’ll do the trick, but if it doesn’t, I’d recommend talking to Framework’s support team. They should have other things you can try.

I submitted to the support team, oddly enough it powered on later after 15min, but it was essentially bricked. It’s not happened again but there has been random funkyness (random brightness issues, segfaults, etc)