Odd display of text / strange contrast

I have noticed that text sometimes is displayed strangely. The colors of the display look very intense, however, changing the contrast in AMD’s Adrenalin software didn’t help.

I have created a test image that shows the problem.
The image has three rows. The font color and style on the top two rows is the same (black on white, the path has 50% opacity). The background color of the first line is #000, the background color of the second row is #5d5d5d, so I would expect that the first line is better readable than the second line due to higher contrast. Actually, the opposite is the case.

Below is a screenshot that looks fine on my smartphone, so this is how I would expect it to look like. Below that is a photo of the same thing displayed on the framework’s display.

Maybe I am just adjusting the wrong setting, but somehow that looks odd to me. Does somebody have an idea?


System Spec:
Model: FW 16 Ryzen 7840 HS
OS: Windows 11
BIOS 3.03

Maybe this can explain the issues?

[SOLVED] Color issues in Linux 6.9

Maybe, I am not sure but the problem is solved. Currently I have set a user defined color optimization where I reduced the contrast to 85% and activated Vari-Bright in the AMD Adrenalin software