Oled screen

Honestly I have very little idea on how the touch element / digitizer works. I get the impression that the digitizer doesn’t sit on the lcd / oled panel and is on the glass top/bezel of the device. That seems to me why touchscreen replacements always seem to come with with the whole top assembly.

I am happy to be corrected on any of this though.I’ve spent a lot of time just trying to figure out lcd panels, connectors and such and haven’t really been able to dig into oleds/touch as the free/public information on these are severely lacking.

In case anyone needs this:

The dimensions that your panel can have is approximately 290(w) x 202(h). I would ± 1mm to these measurements as though i have accurate calipers, I’m not the most proficient at using these tools. The depth also varies along the back, and there are padding, etc on the back but in general you would have about 3mm or so to play with.

The actual visible window on the top bezel is 286(w) x 191(h), again with ±1mm in accuracy.

Lastly, the thickness of the bezel itself, and not including the raised sides, is about 1mm.

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Are you sure this actually fits?

Very careful with samsung oleds, they sometimes use very weird pinouts and non standard voltages for some of the io pins as well as the power supply.

Something is going very wrong when an oled panel is thicker than an lcd.

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The linux hardware device stats that i linked indicate that it does:
LCD Monitor SDC4160 3000x2000 285x190mm 13.5-inch

Interestingly, there is also a model number SDC4148 with similar specs. Neither this nor the above model are listed on Panelook. The active area measurements correspond almost exactly to the visible window of the top bezel.

Samsung Electronics LCD Monitor SDC4148 3000x2000 285x190mm 13.5-inch

An the linux hardware stats do have accurate physical sizes and not just what they put into the edid for the active area?

When looking at the laptop it comes in it has similar slim bezels but is almost a cm taller so that sounds like it could be a bit of an issue.

And it also looks like it’s just 60hz and has a digitizer which dampens my interest in it quite a bit.

Was more going for 90 XD

Bumping, because I would loooove a touchscreen OLED for the 13".

I’ve been using the AMD 13" since my batch 4 arrived. I even bought the new screen despite having no issues w/ the original. I don’t game on mine, it’s my all around road warrior laptop. Love it, and plan to stick with it for quite some time, I’m not feeling any need for a mobo/CPU bump at this time, so the touchscreen OLED would truly make this my endgame laptop.

Bumping again. OlED, or touchscreen OLED would be great on a laptop meant for replacing parts. It’s what OLED needs in case burn in happens.

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