No external GPU but I was stress testing the system.
The one on the underside of the board was cooking my RAM a fair bit, it burnt my finger touching a module when I was trying to figure out the heat source.
Just found this thread and my laptop has the same issue as well, batch 5 11th gen intel model. Already sent a request to support about it, I was receiving blink codes 4, 9, and 10 and the laptop would not turn on.
My unit has the same issue with the burnt mosfet. It suddenly died while the laptop was in use. Code 4, 9 and 10. Framework issued a replacement. Rev 1A 08-05-2021.
Hi @ducttapegamer, I found your ticket and have responded. Our sincere apologies as our agent provided the incorrect response and we will of course be replacing the mainboard. As stated in my ticket response, as to why this may have happened, we still are uncertain. We’ve had a very small number of reports of this happening in the field, and after evaluation of the returned laptops by our manufacturing partner, the results were inconclusive and we are still unable to determine the root cause. We’ll have your mainboard analyzed as well to see if a cause can be determined.
@Matt_Hartley Do we have a cause found? If so, which boards are likely to be affected? If FW has not yet found the root issue, then I don’t think this issue is resolved, even if support is doing the right thing by customers.
Hello everyone. Our supplier for the mainboard has done their analysis and sent the MOSFET component that failed to the supplier for that part for further analysis, but as per my last message, we still do not have root cause.
He has been working with the hardware team, so good to have this clarification.
The thread has been marked resolved in that the specific board has been addressed, but per the quote, it looks like cause has yet to be determined.
It’s an issue I caught in passing, so thanks for the addition details.
Thread has been marked as in ticket in that we addressed a board replacement. The cause has yet to be determined. Thanks @GhostLegion for the addition deets.
Multiple boards have been affected. This thread is evidence of that fact. Last we heard, the boards were sent off to a third party for examination. Is the investigation complete?
@GhostLegion Ah, thanks for the additional deets (hardware team update). Updated the initial reply to reflect this. Appreciate the additional details so I could correct my statement.
I need anyone happening upon this thread title to know that we have eyes on this and the support case is being worked.
After a review of additional boards by our manufacturing partner, the results were still inconclusive and no root cause was identified. The only finding was that the failure was due to component stress, but again, no root cause. The failure rate is extremely low based on shipped units vs failures in the field but we continue to evaluate any returned units to see if a definitive cause can be found. X-ray evaluation of the MOSFET unfortunately does not point to a cause of failure.
@TheTwistgibber That is very unfortunate. Given that no root cause has been found after such investigation and the number of boards is (still?) only 6, you guys are right to mark the thread solved then since its likely the root cause will never be found. Thank you for the update @Matt_Hartley and @TheTwistgibber.