Pop!_OS 22.04 on the Framework Laptop


Please remain pinned. Thank you

PopOS Shell has really become my favorite window manager on Linux, and this is what I’ve been running on my 11th gen Framework for a while now.

The usual issues apply, such as display scaling being inconsistent (no scaling + large fonts mode still seems to work best for most things, without needing Wayland enabling hacks). The only real issue I have is that the fingerprint sensor still refuses to work, even with the current steps in the guide. All I get is an “enrollment failed” error after the first tap, and it never tries again.


The fingerprint sensor works fine on my system (Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS).
However it seems to take long (about 25 seconds) to wake from sleep, after close the lid and open it again. I haven’t updated the bios yet though, it is currently in 03.07.

What is the output of your cat /sys/power/mem_sleep?

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Hey, thanks a lot for the answer :smiley:

What is the output of your cat /sys/power/mem_sleep?

Right now it says:
> cat /sys/power/mem_sleep
[s2idle] deep

After the fresh install I followed the the guide on the framework page
With the recommended power settings

sudo kernelstub -a nvme.noacpi=1
sudo kernelstub -a mem_sleep_default=deep

However it took very long to wake up from sleep (about 25 seconds), this is when I wrote the issue here.
One thing I tried yesterday was to use

   94  sudo kernelstub -a mem_sleep_default=shallow
   95  sudo kernelstub -d mem_sleep_default=deep

the laptop had 75% battery when going to sleep and 49% when I woke up the next morning. However it improved the wake up time. I will edit this post with the data from this night.

After the finishing the setup on the install page the output looked like this:

	caspar@pop-os:~$ sudo kernelstub -p 
	kernelstub.Config    : INFO     Looking for configuration...
	kernelstub           : INFO     System information: 
	    OS:..................Pop!_OS 22.04
	    Root partition:....../dev/dm-1
	    Root FS UUID:........f553b310-f877-4a84-83a6-2fce6a439b6d
	    ESP Path:............/boot/efi
	    ESP Partition:......./dev/nvme0n1p1
	    ESP Partition #:.....1
	    NVRAM entry #:.......-1
	    Boot Variable #:.....0000
	    Kernel Boot Options:.systemd.show_status=false nvme.noacpi=1 mem_sleep_default=deep loglevel=0 quiet splash
	    Kernel Image Path:.../boot/vmlinuz-6.0.12-76060006-generic
	    Initrd Image Path:.../boot/initrd.img-6.0.12-76060006-generic
	kernelstub           : INFO     Configuration details: 
	   ESP Location:................../boot/efi
	   Management Mode:...............True
	   Install Loader configuration:..True
	   Configuration version:.........3

Now it looks like this:

Place your right index finger on the fingerprint reader
kernelstub.Config    : INFO     Looking for configuration...
kernelstub           : INFO     System information: 

    OS:..................Pop!_OS 22.04
    Root partition:....../dev/dm-1
    Root FS UUID:........f553b310-f877-4a84-83a6-2fce6a439b6d
    ESP Path:............/boot/efi
    ESP Partition:......./dev/nvme0n1p1
    ESP Partition #:.....1
    NVRAM entry #:.......-1
    Boot Variable #:.....0000
    Kernel Boot Options:.systemd.show_status=false mem_sleep_default=shallow quiet nvme.noacpi=1 loglevel=0 splash
    Kernel Image Path:.../boot/vmlinuz-6.0.12-76060006-generic
    Initrd Image Path:.../boot/initrd.img-6.0.12-76060006-generic

kernelstub           : INFO     Configuration details: 

   ESP Location:................../boot/efi
   Management Mode:...............True
   Install Loader configuration:..True
   Configuration version:.........3

You nailed it right here, it’s a bit of a trade off. Speaking for myself personally, some systems I leave on shallow as I need them to open immediately where as my portable units are all set to deep and I happily take the trade off for improved battery life.


I think there’s an issue with the latest Pop OS image. When booting past the “Install PopOS” screen, you just sit on a black screen. This is on 12th gen. Have not figured out a way around it, but disabling TPM and Secure boot do not help.

Looks like this is affecting v20 of the release. Going to try v19 and v18 which is the one referenced in the guide

Edit: okay issue is ventoy. Wiped and just made the usb purely Pop and it is working.


Glad you were able to get it resolved.

Your link for the pop os installation is now directed to a forbidden page. Also, noticing that it got removed from the community support section is it not getting any support now?

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That is correct, details here: Status of Official Linux Distribution Support

Questions or comments can be directed to the above thread. Thanks