Possible heat fix

I’m not too tech savvy, or smart but I think I found a solution.

I have decked out my laptop to be dissapointed by heat and bottleknecking!

Upon doing research, I found people who were missing cpu stats in Adrenaline, which I quickly figured out that I was missing too.

Upon downloading (first ryzen master to find out it didn’t work so maybe it’s part of solution) “RYZEN CONTROLLER” all my problems went away (so far). the game that was bugging me all day bc of bad frames finally runs smooth, with no jets taking off!

Idk how to underclock and all that stuff so I didn’t really mess around, but now my laptop runs smooth I’m happy.

Didn’t feel right not to share asap


i have installed fresh windows 11 , and de bloted it , mean removed unnecessary junk through github win 11 deblot project and also set power options to power saving from best performance and am running nothing even in ideal state the cpu bottom is very hot and and also keyboard hot too , burn finger tips , hard to use this laptop , its junk

can u please provide more info on it , i not get it how u fix heat issue , u download what ?? app name pls ? and any changes u made etc , step by step nooobs guide will be appreciated as a lot of people have this heat issue with fw16 laptops

Since you are on Windows 11 do you have anything like HWMonitor or HWInfo installed that will give you temperature readings? Or if you go to the Task Manager Performance tab the temperature of the 780M should be pretty close to your CPU temperatures.

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ok let me install HW monitor and check temperature

ok here are some screen shots

the bottom is very very hot , can give 3rd degree burn to legs , also keyboard hot , very very uncomfortable to use burn finger tips , seems like FW quality checking team was sitting in Alaska during thermal testing of laptop lol

this laptop have serious heating issue i can tell , FW should work on its fan control software , its burning and i not see any noise of fan its totally dead , seems like in race of fan noise they totally silent it forgetting that silencing fan mean heat problems .

Which part of the keyboard is becoming too hot to touch? If it is the left side those temps for that Samsung 990 had a toasty maximum but nothing else really appears to be running hot.

ya left side is heatup alot compare to right side , and left side bottom too , when i was installing 990 pro ssd the ssd chips were up side , so not sure what’s heating the bottom side then ?

also this mean samsung 990 pro ssd is not meant for laptops , so i need to buy new SSD , any recommendation for super cool ssd which is meant for laptops and have not heating issue .

  • i have heatsink which comes with 990 pro ssd , i guess it cant be installed in FW16


On Linux you can manually set the fans to go quicker than normal, so more noise, but less hot keyboard using an ectool.

You destroyed your system, congrats. As your Windows install is now in an unsupported state, anything could happen. Reinstall the OS and stop using snake oil nonsense on it.

lol what do u mean by destroyed ? lol looks you are bill gates , lol de blot mean remove unwanted stuff from windows like candy crush games and other crap , make it light by default it come with a lot of shit .


Candy Crush, advertisements, and unwanted Telemetry make Windows run more efficiently and safely, obviously.


All of your screenshots look normal. Your CPU is sitting at mid 40s and drawing about 5W. The max draw reported is 15W since you started the HWInfo session, so nothing is stressing it either. I’m assuming you don’t have the dGPU module since it’s not reported.
All your thermal sources are reporting fine, a CPU at 40* is not causing 3rd degree burns, your keyboard can’t rise above the temperature heat source. Same with your SSD, RAM, etc.

Are you plugged in at this time? The only other source of heat I can think of here could be a charging circuit issue. Is the heat on the same side as your charging cable?
Are you using the PD charger FM sells or another? Have you tried charging from other ports, or taking out the USB C adapter and plugging directly into the motherboard port?

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sorry for late reply
ya i do not have dedicated GPU.
well keyboard left and left area to the touch pad also heatup which make unpleasant behavior as keyboard can be avoided through external keyboard which i bought for the system , also i have bought external wireless A4tech mouse which i use but still mouse left area is touched. and another thing i notice the power button also heatup.
yes most of the time laptop is plugged in , and charging port is near to power button on laptop right side. i checked its bottom its not heatup , i have num pad there not use that area much. heating is mostly on left side . Ya i have bought that 190w chrager from FW . i have not tried plugging in directly into main board , because the charger type C port is R shape not sure it will fit directly in mainboard or not.

i have ordered thermal camera from aliexpress will take thermal shots when i get camera

however it would be good for everyone if FW just release fan curve utility not sure why they are making so big deal of it , not sure what the hell they are doing nowydays they should be not busy as they were in past

here is video i made using my infrared temperature detector

my 2013 dell alienware is thick enough to be used as melee weapon but, it also has heatsinks twice as big as the FR16 and can cool more. i wish FR would make a CHONK laptop for destroying tables and laps. maybe someone will make a CHONK case for the FR16 with REAL heatsinks. not none of this sissy ninny thin stuff, it should hut your wrist to one handed pick it up.

good news as that fan ctrl open source project have added windows support recently and its working great : GitHub - TamtamHero/fw-fanctrl: A simple systemd service to better control Framework Laptop's fan(s)

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are you using power shell to sudo install the .sh fille?

for those interested there is NO DOCUMENTATION, it is under issues threads,