Random hard freezes fw13 amd7840u win11

After a couple of months since my last BSOD/DPC Watchdog Violation, I had another one a few minutes ago. I was using the trackpad while on battery ~70%. I had not used the trackpad on battery since the last BSOD. This seems follow the pattern mentioned in more recent posts here.

Due to a change in office situation, I was using the laptop exclusively in a stationary setting on power with external keyboard and mouse, rarely touching the trackpad and if so, while still on power. No BSOD for over 2 months.

Today’s BSOD happened about 10 minutes after switching to battery and using the trackpad, after a full day of working on power with external mouse and keyboard.

I would definitely prefer not to have this problem. But the workaround seems obvious (stay on power with external HIDs) and Framework’s latest responses here make clear that they are working on it.

Config: I am on the latest Windows 11 release (23H2), latest AMD drivers (24.1.1), applied the PCIe power setting recommended early in this thread, have the 32GB Kingston Fury kit that many others here have, and of course BIOS 3.03. I have had intermittent BSODs (and been lurking on this thread) since getting the machine in late October (Batch 3).

If you haven’t already, I’d recommend sending a ticket to Framework support.


Download BlueScreenView, it’ll tell you the code and what the cause is.

You can also use WinDbg in Administrator mode and open the dump file from the crash to see the relevant information.

Thanks for the recommendation. So the BSOD code was Bug Check 0x133: DPC_WATCHDOG_VIOLATION

No surprises there. It’s the same issue we’ve all been having

Sounds like you’re describing an issue I was having and posted about here: Framework AMD Thunderbolt 4 dock and Windows 11 Taskbar problem

For me, unplugging and replugging my Thunderbolt dock after wake from sleep would fix the taskbar issue, but I had to do it every time I woke from sleep, until it suddenly resolved (possibly after the latest Windows updates?).

Someone else mentioned the AMD USB Audio devices in Device Manager, but I found that I needed to disable all of the AMD USB Audio-related devices, otherwise my USB microphone input would randomly suddenly become very scratchy/distorted sounding to the point that I had to start checking my mic input with the Sound Recorder before every Teams meeting to make sure that it hadn’t happened. (Described that in this thread here: Random hard freezes fw13 amd7840u win11 - #134 by Nate_C)

I have been lucky to not have the BSOD issues on a fresh install of Win11Pro, but did experience issues with the AMD 23.12 drivers which I had to uninstall and things have been much better over the past month. Overall, I’m currently at an uptime of 42 days (using hibernation when my workday is done) and I have 249 tabs open in Chrome, and 84 tabs in Edge in 6 windows, with 64gb of non-framework ram (tab hoarder). I’m finally at a point where I’m happy (but also nervous to install NVidia drivers for a 3090RTX in Razer Core X eGPU, since everything is working well now).

So I have not run into the issue for a while.

The silver lining being that I have stopped running into the DPC_WATCHDOG_VIOLATION crashes because my laptop has instead opted to suddenly shut down and crash in sleep mode before it has ever been long enough to get the DPC_WATCHDOG_VIOLATION, so I guess that fixes it :joy:.

On a serious note I may have to opt for the fresh install of Windows even though it is a pain in the ass, at least maybe my computer will stop shutting down in sleep mode. If that doesn’t work, I’m not sure what to do since I am unwilling to move to Linux.

I got my new motherboard replacement and the laptop works again after swapping my old one out. Hopefully this won’t happen again.

Keep us in the loop good sir!

My Framework 13 7840 arrived earlier this week, and every day has been BSODing. Entirely stock hardware. What’s the deal, what’s going on? I’ve read this entire thread and there doesn’t seem to be much clarity here. It’s ridiculous for how much I spent on this laptop and I’m on the verge of getting a refund, which I’m entitled to in my country.

Absolutely agree with you. I’m frustrated by the lack of communication here. I bought this laptop last week, and only now finding out about this issue that has apparently been going on for THREE MONTHS? I would not have bought this laptop if I was aware of this. This is a serious issue, it’s really very bad that they’re selling laptops they know for a fact are faulty (literally illegal in Australia and I am entitled to a full refund, but it would be more convenient to give it a week to see if they actually release a BIOS update).

If this apparent bios update that’s ‘in the works’ doesn’t come by next week then it’s a 100% refund for me. If it does come, but we still don’t get a clearly written acknowledgement, I’ll happily accept the BIOS fix but definitely won’t be recommending Framework. Such a shame, I was so excited for this laptop.

It’s simply absurd that I had to read a forum thread to get this information. My extremely expensive laptop is faulty, and I had to read a forum post? Where’s the public statement, Framework? Where’s the acceptance that you sold me a laptop that just - doesn’t work? What about the people who don’t know about this forum and the scattered, buried responses by staff members?

What a joke.

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I know better than to say it’s definitively fixed… but I’ve now got uptime of 8 days, 22 hours, 26 minutes, running the latest AMD Adrenalin and chipset drivers. Probably couldn’t hurt to give it a try while we wait for the Framework BIOS fix.

Adrenalin 24.2.1 / Drivers from 2/15 https://www.amd.com/en/support/kb/release-notes/rn-rad-win-24-2-1-helldivers-2
Chipset from 1/31 https://www.amd.com/en/support/chipsets/socket-fp5-mobile/amd-ryzen-and-athlon-mobile-chipset


So do we actually know if it’s the trackpad at fault? To stop it from BSOding, am I supposed to use an external mouse until the bios update?

This is what I and many others mean by lack of communication. Am I expected to parse this 283 reply thread to understand the situation? The only reason Framework refuses to make a simple public statement clarifying what the issue is and how and when it will be resolved is because it’ll hurt sales. obviously, because I just bought one, but wouldn’t have if I saw such a post. But it’s the right thing to do, and by not doing so they’re entirely demolishing their reputation among everyone who bought these Ryzen laptops. It’s crazy to witness.

Have you contacted support? Was your laptop a prebuilt, or a DIY? Just because you are getting BSODs does not mean you have this exact issue, and Support is willing to help you if you ask them. Even if the bluescreens are reporting watchdog errors there are so many other things that this could be.

While Framework are releasing a BIOS with the same trackpad fix that was made on the Framework Laptop 16, it cannot be known that that is the issue that everyone in this thread is seeing. The Error that the laptops are giving is a general error with many causes, which is why Framework has told people seeing bluescreens to contact support, so that they can address things more specifically for each person. According to Framework there are still not many reports of this issue, so either people are not always contacting support when they get bluescreens, leading Framework to under-report the issue, or there are not that many occurrences of this issue, and it has not become something that Framework feels the need to post about publicly, as they believe they can handle it with a BIOS update or hardware swaps if need be.

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I do have the exact issue, I’ve checked the crash dump logs. DPC_WATCHDOG_VIOLATION every time, and the behaviour is exactly as has been described multiple times over in this thread - the laptop stutters for about a second before entirely freezing, hangs for about 3 minutes, then BSOD.

Don’t be an apoligist for a corporation’s lack of communication over an issue that is entirely their fault.

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“Not many reports”, this is one of the most active threads on the forum and has been up for three months.


I am not being an apologist, I’m being fair?

I would be mad too if I had contacted support and got nothing, but instead, Framework has replied to this thread not only telling everyone with this issue to contact support so they can help, but it has been explained many times here that DPC_WATCHDOG_VIOLATION does not mean “trackpad issue”. So who knows if you’re experiencing a trackpad issue, or if you have a common hardware issue, or your drivers didn’t install correctly, or anything else that could cause an issue with the watchdog. Framework have identified a similar issue on the 16 and are addressing both in a BIOS update, but that may not even fix the problem for some people because there is no clear proof that all the people in this thread are even experiencing the same issue.

I can count 24 posters on this thread, one of which is me, who does not even have this issue. So 23 people talking about it on the forum.

If you aren’t happy with how Framework has handled this issue, get your refund and buy something else.


The issue is very clearly a consistent one. There is a specific issue with either the mainboard, the BIOS, or how framework’s BIOS is interacting with the AMD drivers. It always happens when under a moderate to high load. Every person has described the same issue. There are multiple threads about this on reddit. There are thread’s on microsoft’s website and on the LTT forum. It’s a specific issue and I am very frustrated, as others have said here and on other forums, that Framework refuses to make a clear, concise, public statement. Rather, they choose to make comments on forums hidden away from the public view which only become apparent AFTER you buy their faulty laptop and google the specific issue you’re having.

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Mate, this thread alone has 10.2k views.

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I’ve offered what I can, and told you multiple times that Framework Support is the place to share your grievances IF you actually want help with this issue. They have a great support staff who wants to help you, they have a 1-year warranty if there is a hardware/software fault that they need to fix, and they have a 30 day return window if the laptop isn’t something you want. If you wish to complain about how Framework is handling this issue, then I don’t really feel the need to argue anymore.