Random hard freezes fw13 amd7840u win11

Hi there,
I totally understand it is very anoying.
New tech new bugs.
That s the reason why I did not bought the 11th intel gen and waited for the 12th.
I am very happy with my 12th gen, nerver a bug on linux.

I am pretty sure, next september 2024 AMD board will be the real deal. Fewer bugs iut of the box, and almost no haardware bugs (like on 11th)

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I donā€™t know why since it apparently was not the Realtek driver like I thought previously (although I have been updating that just in case, Iā€™m now on drivers 9605 from the Microsoft update catalog) but this issue has become much more intermittent for me. Iā€™m now up to 7 days 16 hours uptime.

The majority of the crashes I saw were during light web browsing, and thereā€™s also been a ton of browser updates since I first got my Framework too. For that matter, thereā€™s been a lot of Windows updates since then as well.

Iā€™ve run BIOS 3.03 since day 1. I updated to the AMD drivers but still experienced issues, including more problems with the TPM which is an absolute deal-breaker for my daily use (Secure Boot, BitLocker, Windows Hello sign-in, etc. are all tied to the TPM and required to allow me access to work resources from this machine). Iā€™m most interested to hear how folks who get a mainboard swap go, because it really seems like itā€™s either a manufacturing, or firmware/driver issue.

I have a hard time to believe itā€™s hardware since, to my knowledge, nobody is having hard freezes with Linux. Unless it is the case that the problematic hardware is simply not utilized at all under Linux, it seems more likely to me that itā€™s something firmware/driver related under Windozeā€¦ this is of course very possible, since I think AMD power management and some other features are not quite the same under Linux. I wonder if anyone is using the closed source AMD drivers for Linux (although these are just userland drivers and so I donā€™t really think theyā€™d be related to power management etc.).

That might be my youthful optimism, though.

Iā€™m hitting this as well, windows 11, used the ram supplied with the kit. Iā€™ve tried the variety of things listed here and its still hitting the DPC_WATCHDOG timeout on battery. Sometimes multiple times a day, sometimes a couple days without issue.

Just had yet another DPC_WATCHDOG_VIOLATION bluescreen. I had changed the PCIE and Min CPU speed power management settings to minimal and 10% (battery)/80% (plugged in), respectively, earlier today. Obviously that didnā€™t work.

For reference, the only app open in the foreground was Firefox with about 10-12 lightweight tabs, and it had been that way for a good few hours. There were no major background tasks happening that I knew of. My laptop was plugged in, and had just passed the 85% battery mark. I was just about to click on the control panel in the lower right of Windows right as it froze up.

Make that 2 in a day, less than 4 hours apartā€¦ Framework, I had such high hopes. :pensive:

This time, I had Firefox open with 8 lightweight tabs. File explorer and VSCode were open, but minimized. VSCode was not running a program when the laptop froze and crashed. Laptop was on battery power, at roughly 50%.

Another thing to note is that I did notice the laptop studdering a little bit, mouse movements not registering the first try, reloads not working on my browser, for a minute or two before it froze up.

Thereā€™s new AMD drivers out today, maybe that will help :crossed_fingers:

My FW13 (AMD 7640U + all DIY parts directly from FW) also freezes every couple days while doing light browsing with Firefox on WIN11. Iā€™m pretty sure it only happened on battery AND while using the touchpad. The mouse courser freezes when scrolling and then the whole system shuts down. I mention the touchpad because of this post from Framework on Reddit about the FW16 and a similiar problem:

DPC_Watchdog_Violation blue screen - There was a system stability issue that occurred primarily when scrolling the touchpad that could result in a blue screen. This was the issue that The Verge ran into, and weā€™ve since resolved it in the BIOS that is on customer systems.

Will the AMD FW13 also get this BIOS update?

Oh dear, FW really need to get a lid on this and soon. If they start rolling out the AMD FW with the same issues as what weā€™re experiencing, itā€™s really not going to look good at all

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I recently had two similar episodes: during light browsing started getting some stuttering, then completely frozen. One episode ended in BSOD DPC_WATCHDOG_VIOLATION, whereas another seemed to recover before getting the BSOD, and instead the screen turned black and reloaded the entire UI. Whatā€™s also interesting is that in both cases I got an AMD message that the graphics drivers crashed and recovered (after reboot for BSOD event). Could it be that the graphics drivers are related to this issue? This happened with AMD drivers v23.12.1. Just realized thereā€™s a January update (24.1.1). Will post if I get BSODs with the new drivers.

The Framework I bought for my dad in December is experiencing this issue. 7640U running a single 16GB stick of Crucial 4800 ram (bought it before reading about potential compatibility issues; oh well)

I will try updating the drivers on it and see if he reports any further crashes. Definitely will be following this thread, hopefully a cause is found. Have not yet experienced a crash on my 7840U running 2x16GB 5600 Crucial. I might try swapping the ram between the machines and seeing if the issue migrates over to mine next :slight_smile:

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Just had another freeze on the 24.1.1 Driver update

Same. Another freeze on the 24.1.1 driver, however this time when the system was rebooted, the AMD bug report tool popped up to say that the AMD software had detected a crash. Full report submitted.
The crash also resulted in a Minidump file. Opened with WinDbg it reports:

SYMBOL_NAME: dxgmms2!VidSchiProcessDpcVSyncCookie+3dd

MODULE_NAME: dxgmms2

IMAGE_NAME: dxgmms2.sys

IMAGE_VERSION: 10.0.22621.3073

STACK_COMMAND: .cxr; .ecxr ; kb


FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: 0x133_DPC_dxgmms2!VidSchiProcessDpcVSyncCookie

Iā€™ve got a dual-boot setup and mainly run OpenSuse Tumbleweed, which has worked flawlessly for many hours of use every day. I switch back to Windows when there are new drivers to try. This time, I got about 90 minutes of Windows use with the new drivers installed before it crashed.

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Interesting that they mentioned that since most of my BSODs I think was while scrolling on the keyboard in Discord or Firefox. Trackpad wasnā€™t something Iā€™d expected as the cause. If this is the cause, it would be nice to know if this is a BIOS setting that can be changed and instructions, or if it is coming via a BIOS/Firmware update.

Given under the hood, Iā€™d expect the Framework 13s and 16s running Ryzen to be the same CPUs and same/similar mainboards, hopefully it can be resolved soon.

I wouldā€™ve liked better communication on Framework if they actually identified the cause of them (unless ours is different to those on the FW16)

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I dont think itā€™s necessarily the same issue. DPC WATCHDOG VIOLATION is a generic error message which means basically some hardware stopped responding part-way through an operation. I would expect these errors are very common with new hardware. I guess weā€™ll find out (if/when?) the next 7040 series bios update comes out.


Havenā€™t reached out to support yet, but I have also been experiencing DPC WATCHDOG VIOLATION bluescreens at least every other week. Getting PTSD from sorting out ā€œdriver issuesā€ in AMD graphics cards from 2019-2022 (0/3 on them being driver issues, all had reproducible failures, I donā€™t want to talk about how long I put up with it, all fixed by RMAs).

I ran some basic stability testing using Karhu RAMtest for a couple hours when I first got the machine but Iā€™ll try more extensive testing on my Crucial 5600 2x16 kit (CT2K16G56C46S5). Iā€™ve also had to RMA a Crucial kit before due to one bad stick; I have really, really bad luck when it comes to hardware problems lol.

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I wonder if this is actually the same issueā€¦

The difference in Framework response there versus here is super frustrating. Like I get that DPC Watchdog Violation can be a thousand different things, like the post from nrp implies. But there in a thread of 26 posts about Linux freezes, theyā€™ve had 5 Framework posts from two different employees acknowledging thereā€™s an issue, providing useful troubleshooting steps (if Framework needs more information on this Windows issue, then hey, maybe tell us what would help you?), and theyā€™ve seemingly identified the problem.

Here in a thread of 180 posts of users having issues, thereā€™s been a single response and itā€™s vague and generic about going through basic troubleshooting steps like checking the RAM, then drivers, then a mainboard replacement. The difference is stark.


@jhoff80 I couldnā€™t agree more. I tried to reach out to Linus Sebastian (LTT, Framework investor) to try and get him to bring these issues exposure with the view to get answers and appealed to @nrp to acknowledge a very obvious common fault. Neither wanted to help, so Iā€™m just going to start emailing various tech news sites in the hope thereā€™s a bite.

We are being treated like s**t here, and being paying customers, we donā€™t deserve it. The lack of transparency is appalling and as more and more people state their frustrations, theyā€™re choosing the hard way in getting us the information we deserve; 1. Acknowledge there is a problem, 2. Be truthful with us, even if the news is ā€œwe donā€™t know whatā€™s causing this, but weā€™re working on itā€ and 3. ā€œWeā€™re doing X Y and Z, to diagnose the cause and provide a fix for our loyal customersā€

Thereā€™s nothing more brand-damaging than a bunch of disgruntled and frustrated customers. We deserve more than contempt, and like Iā€™ve stated before, consumers need all the info before making a purchasing decision.

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