Random hard freezes fw13 amd7840u win11

We have a hypothesis that one of the causes of DPC_Watchdog_Violation on Framework Laptop 13 (AMD Ryzen 7040 Series) could be this same firmware issue. We are testing this out as part of the development process for the next 7040 Series BIOS update and will include the change if we find that it works. However, we believe that other general issues like a bad memory module for example could also trigger the same blue screen type.

Response from @nrp in this thread regarding FW 16


Same here. Updated the driver four days ago after @jhoff80 mentioned it was available, and just had another freeze and DPC_WATCHDOG bluescreenā€¦

Just to update, as quoted above, this is something weā€™re directly investigating as part of our current development process on a Framework Laptop 13 (AMD Ryzen 7040 Series) BIOS update.

We found a firmware issue towards the end of Framework Laptop 16 development that resulted in similar symptoms. We have a hypothesis that one of the causes of DPC_Watchdog_Violation on Framework Laptop 13 (AMD Ryzen 7040 Series) could be this same firmware issue. We are testing this out as part of the development process for the in-development 7040 Series BIOS update and will include the change if we find that it works.


Wonder if that explains the mouse stuttering and seeming propensity to BSOD under light loads. It kind of makes sense, the only heavy load I can imagine where one would use the touchpad would be something like compiling software, so you walk away and wait for gcc to finishā€¦ no BSOD. For gaming, I assume there is a mouse attached and touchpad is off (or not receiving input for the duration of gameplay)ā€¦ so, no BSOD. Then you are browsing Firefox (input heavy), boom, BSODā€¦ fingers crossed

Thank you for the update, Iā€™m glad that the possible issue/fix is in the process of being pinned down. Do you happen to have a timeframe on this update that we can be looking out for?

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Thank you

Just chiming in to say that Iā€™m also suffering from this with my fw13 amd7840u model, including the occasional touchpad hiccups.

What seems to have worked for me was going into Safe Mode, using DDU to remove any old Intel/NVIDIA graphics drivers (not sure if this step is necessary but did so anyhow), using AMDā€™s Cleanup Utility to remove the Framework AMD drivers, then rebooting the computer normally and installing the latest Radeon drivers straight from AMD.

Ofc it hasnā€™t been long enough to say if this truly fixed the issue regarding the DPC_WATCHDOG_VIOLATION BSODs or not, but I can say that I was getting crashes about 1-2 times a day, and ever since I did the above, I have had the computer running for 3 days now with no crashes. I am however still having minor issues with touchpad responsiveness so hoping Frameworkā€™s investigation sorts that out.

Iā€™ll update you guys if I do end up having another crash, though fingers crossed I do not lol.

EDIT: This doesnā€™t work.

Checking in my current status since itā€™s been a bit. I have received a stick of RAM via RMA, but still experienced the same BSOD running just that stick.

Iā€™m also on AMD 7640U FW13 and been experiencing the same DPC_WATCHDOG_VIOLATION BSODs. Since reading this thread and hearing about the trackpad firmware thing I have limited my use of it, using an external mouse and switching the trackpad off from Windows settings and havenā€™t had an issue so far.

Iā€™ve also cleaned up my drivers as @apprchngvnthrzn mentioned, just to be sure. And, as I said, no crashes yet. But Iā€™ve also been having them way less frequently than Iā€™ve seen other users, so I donā€™t know yet that it is actually helping (they would usually happen once or twice a week, sometimes at bigger intervals).

Will keep updated if it crashes again.

Hey @Alex_Salinero, welcome!

Unfortunately I can say that driver cleanup and updating to the latest AMD drivers didnā€™t get rid of the crashes for me completely, it only seemed to reduce the amount of crashes, though it varies, considering Iā€™ve already crashed twice day within 4 hours.

While itā€™s not easily reproducible, all of my BSODs have happened when scrolling in any Chromium-based browser or Electron-based app like Discord. Every single one. It seems to happen more often if I was just doing something GPU-intensive, like playing a game, right before doing so. It does seem to me that it is indeed somewhat related to the touchpad, maybe even the same bug the FW16 had.

I imagine that maybe turning off hardware acceleration in these applications would further reduce the amount of BSODs Iā€™m getting, but I havenā€™t tried it out yet. Alternative, I could do as you did and strictly limit trackpad use, using an external mouse instead.

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I posted earlier about how updating the Realtek drivers and switching to Firefox fixed the crashing for me. It reduced the frequency from daily to every week or two. It always seems to happen when I am using the touch pad.

I have noticed that the touch pad has a delay sometimes, almost like it has to wake up even though I just used it. It doesnā€™t always do it though. I also find it odd that sometimes the touch pad will stutter and then lock up. In this state, sometimes it will recover and start working normally, but usually it is followed by the DPC_WATCHDOG_VIOLATION. In the event that it does return to working normally, it only works for a minute or two and then the BSOD happens.

I will try using only an external USB mouse and see if I get anymore BSODā€™s.


Although OpenSuse isnā€™t crashing for me, when I use dmesg to display the chatter from the kernel ring buffer there are a very large number of ā€œi2c_hid_acpi i2c-FRMW0005:00:i2c_hid_get_input: incomplete report (7/65535)ā€ warnings.

Iā€™m no expert, but as far as I can tell this means the i2c bus was expecting a message of length 7, and got a message of length 65535.

Sometimes that touchpad just wonā€™t shut up?

Iā€™m going to try disconnecting the touchpad internally and using an external mouse instead.

I am also experiencing the same on a 7840u unit, 2x16Gb Crucial 5600 RAM (CT16G56C46S5.M8G1) & SK Hynix P31 Gold 2TB, swapped AX210. I am here for the ride, really want FW to succeed but Iā€™ve had the same BSODs in similar circumstances per this thread, garbled audio at times and a lovely bug whereby the trackpad doesnā€™t work at all once the laptop wakes and only a reboot fixes.

Am not piling in for the sake of it, really didnā€™t expect this to be bulletproof out of the box with new platform and modular approach - but also really want to be able to rely on this machine. I have NOT contacted support, have several machines I can use & jump on them thus far due to time constraints.

Truth is right now if I need to jump on a call or present etc am firing up my old Thinkpad.

If thereā€™s anything needs tested or more info I can provide which might help I am here for that.

Has anyone unplugged the touchpad and tested it to see if the issue is present.

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Just had my first BSOD since 05/12

I had been using the system plugged in all day, unplugged it and went home.

I then powered the system up on battery logged on but then let it go to sleep.

I resumed the laptop from sleep, still on battery and was browsing the web when it froze then after about 60s BSOD.

Bugcheck code: 0x133(0x1, 0x1E00, 0xFFFFF80264B1C340, 0x0)
Driver or module in which error occurred: ([0xfffff802`62ee0003])

Previous modules that have caused a DPC_WATCHDOG_VIOLATION have been amdgpio2.sys and msgpioclx.sys

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What browser were you using? Was it a Blink/Chromium based browser?

Iā€™m trying to see if there is a correlation between the use of aforementioned browser and the BSODs weā€™ve been seeing.

It was Edge, so Chromium

I just read the Framework 16 thread mentioning the BSOD caused by scrolling the trackpad.

This would make sense with the issue on the Framework 13 too as I use a Bluetooth mouse while itā€™s plugged in hence why Iā€™ve only experienced it on battery. It usually happens while Iā€™m reading something on the web (news, forums etc.) so am likely scrolling on the touchpad when it occurs.

Having similar issues. Had about 5 DPC_WATCHDOG_VIOLATION BSODs in a bit over a month of using the AMD 13. I dont recall getting a BSOD while using a mouse so I think it might just be possible that the touchpad issue from the 16 is the same thing. Batch 10, running 64 GB Kingston Fury RAM (KF556S40IBK2-64) on Windows 11. Didnā€™t update BIOS or anything else yet, just installed Win11 and the FW driver pack back in December.

I also know that Iā€™ve gotten at least one BSOD while browsing with Firefox, so itā€™s probably not Chromium related.