Remove Expansion Bay

I am experiencing what appears to be such a simple a problem that I am embarrassed to have to seek help in an effort to overcome the problem. Having received my self assemble Framework 16 Laptop in May 2024 I have been trying to remove the battery pack without success. I have scoured the Framework site to see if there are any suggestions but without success.
I have flipped the laptop over and tried pushing the pack with a thumb either side in an effort to separate it but it doesnt budge. Are there some release clips somewhere that I am overlooking ?.

Are you using the pull tab to lift the battery out?

See step 9: Battery - Framework Guides

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Thanks for your reply. I am obviously mistaken as to what I thought was the battery pack?. The item I am trying to remove is the pack that ‘slides’ away from the rear of the laptop which in my ignorance I though was the battery pack. Is it a display module. It has a ‘c’ USB in its rear along with vent slots on the underside.

Here’s the guide for removing the dGPU Expansion Bay: Remove Graphics Module (dGPU) - Framework Guides

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Thanks for the info and help. Clearly I’ve been barking up the wrong tree and it isn’t a battery pack at all. Previous laptops that I have owned always had the battery pack in the rear of the laptop and was released with a simple catch. As an obvious ‘newbie’ I wont be removing the now identified GPU module.

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Hi @Paul_Bott,

Glad you got the parts identified. I too remember laptops for years always had their removable battery packs on the back/bottom of the machine just like that! Luckily they last much longer than the older NiMh or the really old NiCd packs!

Welcome to the community! Congrats on your Framework Laptop 16! It is a great machine.

I know it’s a bit of a radical idea, but maybe reading manuals, guides, instructions is possibly worth it.

HaHaHa, yep you are absolutely right!

Hi pkunk.
Thanks for the reply. I am finding the laptop excellent, and I am starting to use it to edit years of my family video collection of holidays, Xmas events and the like. I am into my eighties now and this machine easily surpasses in quality anything I have ever previously owned in the realms of laptops and various desktops.