[Resolved] Keyboard Backlight Issues on Framework 16 w/ Debian 12

Hello everybody,

EDIT: Of course shortly after posting this I decided to reboot, and I’m unable to recreate the below issue. I have a sneaking suspicion it will return though (reboot to resolve is no good resolution). So any wayward troubleshooting soul that wants to help me recreate/resolve the issue, feel free to reply!

I am running Debian 12 on my new Framework 16, the AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS model w/out the additional GPU.

The keyboard backlight is acting odd. It continues to fade in and fade out, and it doesn’t consistently respond when I press Fn+Space to control it. I also have the number pad installed, and Fn+NumEnter doesn’t appear to be controlling that backlight either.

I’ve alternated the Fn lock to see if this was a dumb user error, but it still isn’t working. (Sidenote: some sort of indicator light to show if Fn lock is enabled would be really helpful.)

I’m combing my system logs to see if I can find an error of some sort, but I don’t know where to look really.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

Which keyboard do you have?
Can you check what it’s set to in the lighting tab in Via (keyboard.frame.work)?

So I just opened that link in Google Chrome and it’s throwing a bunch of errors, see here:

timestamp, productName, vendorId, productId, message
00:42:15.010, Framework Laptop 16 Keyboard Module - ANSI, 0x32AC, 0x0012, "Failed to open the device."
00:42:15.041, Framework Laptop 16 Keyboard Module - ANSI, 0x32AC, 0x0012, "Received invalid protocol version from device"
00:42:19.242, Framework Laptop 16 Keyboard Module - ANSI, 0x32AC, 0x0012, "Failed to open the device."
00:42:19.247, Framework Laptop 16 Numpad Module, 0x32AC, 0x0014, "Failed to open the device."
00:42:19.248, Framework Laptop 16 Keyboard Module - ANSI, 0x32AC, 0x0012, "Received invalid protocol version from device"
00:42:19.253, Framework Laptop 16 Numpad Module, 0x32AC, 0x0014, "Received invalid protocol version from device"
00:42:38.774, Framework Laptop 16 Keyboard Module - ANSI, 0x32AC, 0x0012, "Failed to open the device."
00:42:38.779, Framework Laptop 16 Numpad Module, 0x32AC, 0x0014, "Failed to open the device."
00:42:38.780, Framework Laptop 16 Keyboard Module - ANSI, 0x32AC, 0x0012, "Received invalid protocol version from device"
00:42:38.785, Framework Laptop 16 Numpad Module, 0x32AC, 0x0014, "Received invalid protocol version from device"

I authorized Google Chrome to access my HID devices like it asked. Unsure what’s going on there.

Chrome is installed as a normal system package, right? Not snap, flatpak, or AppImage.

I downloaded the .deb from chrome.google.com and installed it via:

sudo apt install ~/Downloads/google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb

You may need to add udev rules.
Place this file into /etc/udev/rules.d/.
Once added, run the following:

sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
sudo udevadm trigger

Then reopen your browser.

If still not working, check that /dev/hidraw* belongs to the plugdev group.
ll /dev/hidraw*
example output crw-rw-rw-+ 1 root plugdev 240, 3 Mar 22 17:28 /dev/hidraw3

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Thanks MJ1, your first suggestion re: udev worked. I just accessed that website and the effect was set to “spiral” something. I’ve turned effects off, which I imagine will fix this issue. Is that your assessment as well?

P.S. IMO a webapp to pass HID devices to configure stuff like a keyboard is silly. Why can’t that be controlled locally on my PC? sigh

Totally agree. Someone said they are working on a Vial port. Vial offers desktop apps for Windows, Linux, Mac. And still offers a website GUI for those that so desire.

Which keyboard do you have?
Is the backlight working ok by Fn+Space keypess now?

I’m unsure which keyboard I have any further than it’s a backlit US/English keyboard. I just checked lspci and it’s details aren’t listed.

The backlight does appear to be working now!!

Thanks, again. Can I just edit the title like I see in other posts to say [Resolved] to mark this resolved?

I think you should be able to.
If you have the option then a pencil icon shows next to the title which you can click.

Clicking the pencil will bring up edit options.

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