[RESPOND] AMD Framework 13 - Fedora 39 not setting latest kernel as default after upgrade

Thanks @dimitris I’ve created /etc/sysconfig/kernel which was missing (confirmed present on a normal Fedora 39 install on another machine) using:

sudo vi /etc/sysconfig/kernel

The above creates the file with root:root permissions as needed.

And copying and pasting in:

# UPDATEDEFAULT specifies if new-kernel-pkg should make
# new kernels the default

# DEFAULTKERNEL specifies the default kernel package type

As you described in:

Let’s see what happens on the next kernel patch…

Will report back here on 6.6.7 or whatever appears next.

I don’t have the wit to know how to report this Pto Fedora directly, any pointers?

P.S. I’m hoping using grubby hasn’t wrecked a kernel update config equilibrium I am not aware of.