I’ve been experiencing regular wake ups when my AMD framework 13 is connected to my external monitor through an HDMI expansion card and cable. Not sure 100% if the monitor is the culprit, but most days it ends up connected to it while it charges overnight, and I wake up to it awake on the login screen. Which is another weird symptom because with my normal settings it should put itself back to sleep after 10 minutes even while plugged in. I also usually have a USB3 hub attached with some peripherals but I tested it by unplugging it overnight and had the same result.
I’ve started just shutting down most nights but for diagnosis purposes I can always try again.
Use the s2idle script with the timer programmed for a longer sleep cycle than you intend to really use. It will catch the interrupt that woke the system in the report.
It happened while I was sitting in front of it watching my phone, just a few minutes after I started the script. It looks like maybe this is the event? 2024-01-03 12:12:28,030 INFO: ○ Woke up from IRQ 1 (IR-IO-APIC 1-edge i8042)
I just used the default timings to see if the error cleared and it looks like it has. I’ll go back to using sleep mode and report back if I have any issues, thanks!