I’m a general Framework fanboi, but it’s getting hard to not notice that we should expect a non-beta release “in about a week” is “about 4 months ago”. I don’t have any bios complaints so I’m not itching for it … but it just seems sloppy to leave that unaddressed.
Perhaps you should edit the very-visible pinned topic to correct this and perhaps provide an update on what’s going on?
@anon81945988 Not a mod lol, I can’t close topics anymore than you can. People with “Regular” status can edit titles and change classification but that’s about it. That and when we flag posts, the post gets instantly hidden instead of requiring multiple flags.
Yes, I have seen your thread. What is the “inconsistent” content?
I would prefer to continue to use this thread. Because it’s about BIOS 3.17. It’s still the same binary file. The beta/non-beta is just the label to describe the status.
In my memory, the BIOS 3.10 thread’s title was the beta first, then renamed for the official release. So, I thought we could do this way for the BIOS 3.17 thread too.
I’m on 3.17 beta, only Fedora installed on this machine. fwupdmgr upgrade doesn’t pick any BIOS updates up. It did pick up the dbx database update though.
I think Framework is still only publishing its firmware updates on the lvfs-testing channel, so while they have removed the beta label from 3.17, you still need to enable lvfs-testing as a remote for fwupd to pick it up (so for the update procedure there is absolutely no difference between beta and non-beta). See
which also shows that the “beta” label removal did nothing on LVFS. This may be because LVFS updates (as the other ones!) can still ruin boot settings, so they may want to avoid it running fully automatically: it might bring systems to a state that need manual intervention without the user having received warning that this might happen.
Yeah, I should have been explicit about this, I did enable lvfs-testing and updated it with latest metadata. Anyway, seems like this is just a “relabeling” of the previously-beta BIOS.
Would be nice to see an official announcement.
FWIW already looking forward to the next release, for the USB port retimer fixes that have been mentioned around the forum.
Edit: Thanks for that lvfs history link @Nils. I somehow forgot to look “at the source”.