[RESPONDED] Coreboot on the Framework Laptop

Also just to complicate things further, the boundaries of what is handled by BIOS have blurred over the last few years. Especially in portable devices. Nowadays, those things are handled by the “embedded controller”, which is distinct hardware independent(…ish?) of the software that executes on the CPU once it powers up.

Framework allows you to configure the things you mentioned (battery charging limits and fan curves for example) from the F1 (er, well, F2 on Framework laptops!) BIOS screen, but you can also configure them with a command-line tool: Exploring the Embedded Controller


I see. That makes sense. Then yeah, I personally am not equipped mentally for Coreboot, lol. Too barebones. If someone develops a GUI to go on top and replicates all the settings that the stock proprietary firmware interface exposes and more (that’s what I was hoping for when I bought my System76), then great.

Currently I’m having boot entry issues with mine, AND it has a nasty bug where after a few edits using efi tools in either Windows or Linux, the boot entries in the firmware won’t save. The System 76 team wrote me a custom firmware to flash to clear all settings and used me as a tester to see if they fixed the read only issues (it goes read only after a few efi changes). I eventually just gave up. It’s now a single boot laptop for PopOS and I vowed never to go Coreboot for my next machine.

See my video I posted earlier.

Also this one showing boot entry issues.


Windows 11 installed was using DISM so I bypassed the TPM and Secure Boot requirements. But System76 didn’t offer any solutions to that even now. I’m running their latest firmware release which is pretty old.

There are branches that have various fixes but nothing released yet. If I want, I could compile to try, but what normie wants to do that? Plus have potential for other bugs on an unreleased branch that’s just being tested.

And that’s my issue with Coreboot (at least this implimentation). I remembered I tried my hand at fixing the fan curves. I found the part where you can edit it in the source code and did it. Someone did it better eventually. But the issue was I had to download the entire thing, edit, compile, then flash. Nerve-racking. And I can see how most people won’t or can’t do this.

And if you don’t like what the community pushed curves, good luck.

That’s what I mean it’s probably great for a certain kind of person. You can customize everything if you k ow how to and have the tenacity. Most people don’t.

Framework is trying to be for everyone, including PC enthusiasts. Most PC enthusiasts are not developers who understand GitHub, C++, or Rust. You need these skills to “customize to your heart’s content” competently.

When I bought my System76, I thought Coreboot being open source is an awesome idea, but didn’t know what I was getting myself into. I thought it would have more options. Thought it was like open source firewall where it’s still easy to use but with a lot more options. Turns out it’s barely any options unless you do things in the source code.

Until System76 develop a standard GUI to expose all the settings an enthusiast expects, it’s more of a developer’s wet dream than for an enthusiast like me.

I’ve gone pretty far to mess with the code but it’s not something I want to keep doing just to adjust memory timings and fan curves.

The only exposed setting is boot order. You don’t even have access to edit boot entries in the firmware interface. As you see in my video, I did everything with command line in an OS. If you don’t even have the option to boot into an OS, you might be borked.

So if Framework does eventually go Coreboot, either make it so it’s a direct 1 to 1 replacement feature wise to the InsydeH2O bios or offer Coreboot as a (non-default) option.


this is why I want a coreboot capable machine and be able to change the code aswell. I want to see if I can develop such menu and configuration options. or see if there is a payload that allows such thing. (a small linux kernel and init that does exactly this would be a way, but does take more space next to for example UEFI and Seabios payloads). ( I have a few boards and a older laptop that might be compatible already. just not my main Framework (yet))

just coreboot that I cant change on a FW laptop would be cool, but just as usefull as InsydeH20. I trust the code a bit more tho, being opensourced. but I see your experience and many folks should be aware of what youve experienced. thank you for sharing your experience. hope it helps warn some of us to be sure what we are getting ourselves into.


Definitely not for me, and definitely for you. :+1:

I’d love to see what you end up making!

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I didn’t know that. My impression was that there was a GUI comparable to at least the old school BIOS present similar to present Framework BIOS. That sucks.


I don’t know how feature complete it is compared to H2O or AMI but Starlabs employs CFR to enable user-facing coreboot configuration, but it seems to offer more options than the System76 configurator.


I suspect quite a few people who have said they’d like to have coreboot don’t realize. I want it to be an option on Framework only because I want coreboot to grow and get better, I wouldn’t likely use it myself at this point.


I have seen various coreboot screens online that have a GUI, albeit similar to desktop systems BIOSes from years back. That formed my impression of how coreboot looked like. But thinking again, I guess it makes sense because a GUI frontend doesn’t have to be part of coreboot considering the open source nature.

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I’ll freely admit I’m one of them. If Coreboot is ported to the Framework, it needs to offer at least as much functionality as current Insyde BIOS. It doesn’t need to be pretty, the Grey/Blue BIOS is fine as it is perfectly serviceable even if it isn’t as attractive to look at as the 13th gen BIOS.

I think we should make a Matrix chat for the coreboot discussion.


Feel free to join Dasharo Matrix Community.


It looks like the CoreBoot team is looking for input on the fediverse.

It might be good to get a few more replies in for framework. :slight_smile:


Progress? https://chaos.social/@migy/111236977994924741

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That link doesn’t work for me


Felix Singer: "So a while ago I got one of these unlocked @frame…" - chaos.social is the latest relevant thread I could find there


Cool, looks like he got his hands on one of those unlocked boards. dead flash (did they try a 3.3v or even 5v external flasher on a lower voltage flashrom?)

hope FW can send him the unlocked 11th gen bios image. not much progress as is, but promising :smiley:


:fire: :fire: :fire:


Awesome! Love this! :heart_eyes:

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How can we support him?