[RESPONDED] Fedora KDE - "Disable while typing" for touchpad doesn't work

That’s odd. Could have sworn I had a blank line at the end of mine too. But if it works it works!

@principis by chance can you help get this into Fedora ahead of a new upstream libinput release? It’s a trivial quirk.

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Can’t promise anything, but I’ll open a PR tomorrow.


PR is submitted. I’ll keep you updated.


Update is in testing! FEDORA-2024-efd370d724 — bugfix update for libinput — Fedora Updates System

Please don’t give positive karma without actually testing the update. :slightly_smiling_face:


For Fedora users, the quirk should be coming.

For anyone else:



[Framework Laptop 16 Keyboard Module]  
MatchName=Framework Laptop 16 Keyboard Module*  

isn’t working for me, but I think it’s something wrong on my end for some reason. After installing the test update I see the quirk in /usr/share/libinput/50-system-framework.quirks, but disable while typing still doesn’t work. Worked fine for me before with the local-overrides file (which I have now made empty to test the update)

nevermind. Removing the local-overrides file entirely fixed the issue. Not sure why it was effecting it while the file was empty, but it’s working now.


okay. trying to replicate so I can test. I’m on F39 KDE Plasma. ignore touchpad on typing is checked in settings.

If I type with one hand (into Konsole), moving the touchpad shows the cursor, clicking the touchpad looks like it highlights text. getting same behavior before and after installing the test RPM. so thinking I am not doing the test right :slight_smile:

And I did reboot after installing the RPM to make sure it should be active (and I don’t have an /etc/libinput dir, so shouldn’t be same as what @Owen hit)

What I did was type for a bit, and then immediately try and move the cursor with the trackpad. When it was working, there was a second or so of delay between typing and being able to use the trackpad.Sounds to me like it’s not working tho. Check the file /usr/share/libinput/50-system-framework.quirks, it should have an entry like was posted above with [Framework Laptop 16 Keyboard Module]. If it doesn’t then the update didn’t install correctly.

forgot to mention. yes /usr/share/libinput/50-system-framework.quirks has the block.

I’m going to dig a little more.

Sorry I can’t help you, I only have a framework 13.

I don’t even know where to look for logs in this case :confused:

okay. so did more poking.

without the update:
if I try to move the cursor via the trackpad while typing I see the cursor move
This is regardless of the “disable while typing setting”

with the update:
if I try to move the cursor via the trackpad while typing, it is ignored and the cursor won’t show and start moving until a delay after I stop typing.
(And if I turn off “disable while typing”, as expected cursor shows and is moving while typing)

both before and after if I click (actually depress the touchpad until the hardware click kicks in) it is registered as a mouse click event.

I believe that’s the intended behavior. The main thing is that tapping while typing shouldn’t cause a mouse click.

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Could I use the quircks file and replace the 16 just with 13 ?

I used libinput list-devices to see the devices on my FW16, so you could do similar on your FW13 to get the name. and then see if it is in the quirks file.

FYI, this is the libinput troubleshooting page I got that from:

thank you for confirming what I was suspecting that it is intended behavior :slight_smile:

oh and I testing with tap to click and that is disabled while typing now like mouse movement.

Hang on - this shouldn’t be necessary with the 13, it should be already recognized as an internal keyboard anyway. Is this feature not working for you on your 13 when you have the option enabled in the input settings?

yeah I was thinking that as well (FW13 should be covered already). why I suggested to do the list-devices to confirm the name and check that against the contents in the quirks file…

Ahh my bad, I wanted to disable this setting on my FW13 and your intention with this post is the opposite, I misread it xD