[RESPONDED] Intermittent Issue Waking From Sleep/Suspend

Hello there, I have seen that there are a couple of 1-2yr old threads describing a similar issue, but I did not see a solution.

This happens on a fairly regular basis. On Ubuntu 23.10. Has been happening for a while. I will close the lid when I’m done using the computer for the time being, and it will go into suspend mode. Often times, (though I wouldn’t say most of the time) when I open the lid to resume my computer use at a later time, the computer does not wake from suspend. It still appears to be in suspend mode, as if I had walked away from the computer without closing the lid and it went in to suspend on the timer. The power button light is slowly phasing on and off, and the screen is off. But, no key or button I press, or any action I do (unplugging or plugging in the AC adapter, closing and opening the lid, etc) will wake the thing from sleep/suspend. I am forced to hold down the power button for maybe 10+ seconds to do a hard power-off. It will boot up again just fine, but I will lose any unsaved work and my window layout I was working with. This happens almost every day at least once. What gives? Does anyone know why this would happen and how it can be resolved?

Thank you! :grin:

Running Ubuntu 23.10 on a framework 13 DIY edition with the intel i7 1260p. 32gb Gskill RAM, Samsung 980 pro 2TB. Dual-booting windows 11 and Ubuntu, but I use Ubuntu much more.

Hi @chrissobel,

This is not a drive I have used personally, but I do remember others having issues with it and suspend.

Worth checking (via Windows or via LVFS) if there any updates for the drive. I suspect the drive is the cause of what you’r experiencing. I have seen this issue with Linux on other laptops with this drive in other communities.

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I’ve had the same issue on my new AMD board 7840 in Windows. I’m using a Crucial P3 4 TB and Crucial 5600 DDR5. It’s the same exact behavior. Not sure about your setup but I’m on a first gen system that I’ve upgraded over time.