[RESPONDED] Migrated SSD into Framework 13 DIY

Hi all.

Excellent customer service team at Framework shipped me a new core laptop unit because of a faulty input cover. On the previous machine, I installed onto a SSD a dual boot W11 & EndeavourOS system with GRUB. AMD Ryzen edition.

I am writing to you from the EOS live environment. The laptop boots into Windows fine, but the GRUB menu no longer appears. I have already disabled secure boot.

The Windows bootloader appears in BIOS, but not GRUB.

In KDE partition manager, my EOS partition appears.

I am hoping for a solution that doesnt require me to wipe my EOS setup. How can I get GRUB back or reinstall it?

Thank you.

It’s quite common for windows to squish grubs’s UEFI configurations when installing it.
A common fix is to use a linux bootable drive to chroot into the Linux OS on your machine. Be sure to mount every partition in your setup (efi, root, home, etc…) before doing so. Afterwards, you can rerun a command which is usually done for you by the linux installer: grub-mkconfig -o /path/to/your/grub.cfg

I would recommend you read up on the following subjects:

  • grub-install for installing the grub bootloader on a system
  • efibootmgr (needed by grub for uefi BIOSes)
  • grub-mkconfig for generating a usable grub configuration
  • os-prober which allows booting from grub into a windows installation
  • chroot I recommend you try and find documentation specific to your distribution for that one :wink:
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Jus re-echoing @Benjamin_Chausse is saying to reconfigure with grub-mkconfig

if you need to list disk partitions just do



 lsblk  --noheadings --raw | awk '$1~/s.*[[:digit:]]/ && $7==""'

to list unmounted ones.

You can also use projects like Super Grub Disk to boot into your system with minimal commandline intervention, then try and reinstall the bootloader from your system!

Hi Friends,

Thanks for all the input. I have successfully reinstalled grub and its config to revive the boot menu and the dual-boot configuration.

One other thing I wanted to note:

Because I installed W11 first and used its tool to partition the disk, the other partitions save for my ext4 linux space were pre-emptively locked by BitLocker, though I never turned it on.

I guess this is standard operation for Windoze to expedite a user’s desire to encrypt their drives. But it also meant that they were inaccessible from my Linux space.

Thus, I had to turn on BitLocker, then turn it off. This returned accessibility to those drives from my Linux space.