[RESPONDED] Mint on Framework 16?

Yeah, I have LMDE installed, in combination with Proxmox.
Apart from some suspend/hibernate problems that I’m experiencing, it works fine.

  • Hibernate apparently works Ok
  • Suspend apparently works Ok

14W idling with Mint 21.2 on a Ryzen7040 here.
Did you change the /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/power-profiles-daemon.policy ?

No, actually I don’t even have that policy.
And changing powerprofilesctl between balanced and power-saving barely affects idle.
I only closed everything except powertop, turned bluetooth off and the screen brightness all the way down

Ah i see, that would explain that.

The policy is installed with power-profiles-daemon, i believe.

If so, how?
Or should I just go with one of the other distros that are currently covered.

Welcome to the forum.
You might find useful info here [RESPONDED] Mint on Framework 16?

Note that if run into issues, like where you may ask for official support, you’ll be requested to check if your issue is present in an officially supported / tested distro.