[RESPONDED] Qubes OS on the Framework Laptop

@bayesian have you had any other issues with qubes since the initial installation? I am debating switching over to it but am still new to linux as main OS.

No issues. I don’t use suspend a lot. I generally shutdown the laptop when I am not working. So I cannot comment on that.

Additionally, I run my laptop connected to a Dell USB-C dock with a 4K DisplayPort monitor and cabled ethernet. No issues there.


I have been running Qubes on my framework for about a month now. I have to say it works quite well after some configurations. However, I was not able to get suspend to fully work. I can place the laptop in suspend and resume from it but the qubes won’t work after that at all(or atleast the graphics)

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Delighted to hear this!

And suspend seems to be fully working on Qubes 4.2.0 (R4.2)
At last.

That is for Intel i7-1165G7

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And audio is back.
I backed up my qubes
installed 4.2.0
restored my qubes
Then opened my Debian template
sudo aptitude install pipewire-pulse
And all of my qubes which use that template have audio again

Next question,
Why did the printers disappear?