[RESPONDED] Screen lock not working after clean setup of Ubuntu Budgie

Hey folks,
usually not the guy who is asking for help, but after hours of searching the internet I decided to give it a try and use the intelligence of the framework community.
So, long story short: I received and set up my framework laptop 13 (Ryzen version). I installed Ubuntu Budgie 24.04 LTS and, so far, I am pretty impressed.
I didn’t tweak anything yet, but decided to keep it as ‘clean’ as possible.
I did all updates, upgrades, etc. Turns out that screen lock is not working for me. Not with Super+L, not with manually selecting it instead of reboot/shutdown. Just literally nothing happens when doing that.
I followed the advices I found on the internet, like purging gnome-shell-common (was not installed) or purging gdm3 (didn’t have any effect).
gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.screensaver lock-enabled is false.
gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.lockdown disable-lock-screen is true.
However, if I try to change the values, they don’t survive a reboot.
Maybe someone had similar issues and can advise on this?
Very much appreciated, have a nice Tuesday guys!

hi @Haui ,

Welcome to the community, can you check with ** loginctl lock-session ** command?
see if it’s locking or not?

Hey @Loell_Framework,
thanks for gettting back to me :slight_smile:
Both times, with and without sudo, the command loginctl lock-session does nothing.

So, I did a bit of research and tried out different things. Here is my summary so far.

If I change gnome lockscreen setting to disable-lock-screen false (gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.lockdown disable-lock-screen false), screen lock works.
The downside is that in Budgie Control Center > Displays the Automatic Screen Lock toggle seems to be disabled. But in fact, if you try to toggle, nothing changes on GUI but disable-lock-screen is set to true again which results in locking not working.

I then figured that this behaviour is only happening when fractional scaling is active. I disabled fractional scaling and, instantly, screen lock and automatic screen lock is working, even through settings in Control Center.

After all, seems to be like a bug with fractional scaling.
However, since 100% scaling is too small and 200% is too large for me (I prefer 125%), I have to live with this.

Setting gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.lockdown disable-lock-screen false works, as long as no one changes anything related to screen/lock screen settings. Even survived a restart.

If anyone else would have an idea on how to fix this, this would be very much appreciated :slight_smile: