Ubuntu 22.04 on the Framework Laptop 13

Seeing some errors related to this on mine as well - nothing causing actual problems such as disconnects, just cluttering syslog for me. Also non-vPro module.

For fans, using the latest EC Tool works, for example

Set Fan to 40%:

$ ectool --interface=fwk fanduty 40

Set fan back to auto:

$ ectool --interface=fwk autofanctrl

Hopefully this makes it back upstream over time
Don’t necessarilly recommend non developers to tinker too much with ectool as you can do some damage unintentionally

Alright. Got it. Would be a good option to have some form of fan curve control in bios but that works too.

Ok have installed the lasted ISO of Ubuntu 22.04, posted on the weekend! So far installation was very smooth (very fast!). Now I’ve been using Ubuntu for a long-time, but I wouldn’t call myself a power user at all. Still need help with lots of things. Since install on Saturday I haven’t done a thing and everything basic is simply working (incl WiFi). However I will do a few of the essential tweaks (headset port, deep sleep & powertop). If I need help will try to find existing answers, but if stuck I may come back here for a few pointers…! :slight_smile:

OK first two above done fine, but with Powertop the output of “sudo powertop --auto-tune” leaves me unsure if it’s done anything. See below - does this look correct, or is something wrong?

modprobe cpufreq_stats failedLoaded 29 prior measurements
Cannot load from file /var/cache/powertop/saved_parameters.powertop
File will be loaded after taking minimum number of measurement(s) with battery only
RAPL device for cpu 0
RAPL Using PowerCap Sysfs : Domain Mask d
RAPL device for cpu 0
RAPL Using PowerCap Sysfs : Domain Mask d
Devfreq not enabled
glob returned GLOB_ABORTED
Cannot load from file /var/cache/powertop/saved_parameters.powertop
File will be loaded after taking minimum number of measurement(s) with battery only
To show power estimates do 346 measurement(s) connected to battery only
Leaving PowerTOP

This - Automated post-install setup of Ubuntu 20.04 and 22.04 on the Framework - has now been updated to handle fresh installs of Ubuntu 22.04 as well as upgrades from 20.04. The latter is especially important since there are some changes that are no longer needed on 22.04.


If you use any form of docking station i would highly discourage using the auto-tune function. It will put the usb devices on a 5sec sleep timer.

Good to know! I don’t use a docking station at the moment, but my mouse which uses a USB dongle, is freezing a few secs after login. If I remove and re-insert, it’s fine for the rest of my session. I might try disabling the powertop command and see if that influences it.
Otherwise, a week in and so far so good! Really enjoying the upgrades/tweaks in 22.04 (from 20.04).

This release is shaping up to be fabulous!


I’m having issues setting up hibernation for 22.04. I followed a few guides that I found that say to use a swapfile to suspend then hibernate. When I try to test hibernate using “sudo systemctl hibernate” it works but it immediately wakes back up and goes to the lock screen. Also the laptop does not seem to be suspending when I close the lid, the screen stays on. Tips?

Hi all,
I started with 20.04 (what I had on a USB stick from before), and managed to get the wifi (non vPro) working using the workarounds referred to here Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS on the Framework Laptop
then I did an in-place upgrade to 22.04 using do-dist-upgrade, and ha ha joke’s on me wifi is now just not working at all.

ip link shows a wlp interface, but it never goes UP.

What did I mess up? The iwlwifi-ty-a0-gf-a0.pnvm file is in place in /lib/firmware, different from the patched one from the 20.04 update

What else can I try here?

ETA: kernel 5.15.0-25, and I’ve run this Automated post-install setup of Ubuntu 20.04 and 22.04 on the Framework several times.

ETA2: I decided to nuke it from orbit and just did a fresh reinstall of 22.04 daily and things work out of the box, so yay!



Yay for getting it working even if it was the hard way. If you had WiFi working on Ubuntu 20.04 with latest updates, then probably it wasn’t the formula’s workaround fault. Upon upgrading to 5.13 via regular updates on 20.04 WiFi breaks due to the workaround. At that point you have to either disable it manually and restore the firmware file or rerun the formula which will do that for you. Since you had it working in order to do the upgrade, one or the other likely happened. If the firmware file was in place post-upgrade, then the workaround was disabled since all it does is remove it on every startup. So both pieces of evidence point to a problem elsewhere. Given that the interface was present also lends credibility to that hypothesis. My guess is something else dun fucked up. :sweat_smile: What exactly, we’ll never know since all the evidence was vaporized upon nuke detonation. With all that said, if I see other reports of the same problem, I’ll investigate. I have completed about 10 test upgrades and 2 for-real upgrades on machines that were salted with the formula and didn’t see any issues but as always, mileage varies and “works for me” doesn’t mean there are no defects.

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I’ve converted the first post to a Wiki post, now that 22.04 is out.


It’s out!! Go and grab it!
Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish)

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After updating, my WiFi stopped working. Tried a few things that didn’t work then updated the BIOS and that solved the WiFi problem. However, another issue that I was running into while trying to get hibernate working popped up again. When waking after suspend (I’m using suspend-then-hibernate), the OS will eventually freeze up. I have to reboot to get it out of this state. Dropping into tty opens a black screen that slowly displays a bunch of ext4-fs errors. The way I solved this previously seemed to be removing mem_sleep_default=deep from the grub config, which I added following this guide, and leaving resume and resume_offset. My grub config wasn’t modified during the update to 22.04, so I’m not entirely sure what’s going. From Googling, it seems that I might be a kernel issue. I’m gonna try a clean install of 22.04 tonight to see if I can right the ship.

Anyone get the airpods working with 22.04? I’m not sure if it’s specific to the airpods or if other bluetooth sound devices don’t work either.

I’m running Fedora 35 but initially could not pair my Airpods Pro with my Framework notebook.
Somewhere in the depths of the internet I found a hint that led to success.

I had to edit /etc/bluetooth/main.conf and change the option
ControllerMode=dual to ControllerMode=bredr

A restart later I could successfully pair my Airpods to my Framework.
Could that work as well using Ubuntu?


@Sven_Hiller That fixed my issue. HERO. Thank you so much.

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Who can update the Framework guide with this added?